(CLOSED) Mia's Goods

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(CLOSED) Mia's Goods

Post by Lorsan »


  • Prices can be attempted haggled ingame.

  • Items can be reserved for 1 week, but the cost will be increased by 20%.

  • Selling Arrows and Scrolls of many sorts! So many that it's too much work to write it all up! Reach out to me if there's something you need, and I'll check if I have it.

CHARITY - Northern District
All coin made from sales of items in this category will go towards the Northern District after the recent events.
Arrow(x297): Material: Cold Iron (1.000 for 99 arrows)
Cloak: +2 Constitution (5.000)
Mace: +3 Enhancement (5.000)
Heavy Shield: +3 Enhancement (10.000)

Decent items
Clothes: +4 Enhancement, Spell Resistance 18 (250.000)
Clothes: +4 Wisdom (300.000)
Clothes: +4 Intelligence, +4 Perform (650.000)
Dagger: +3 Enhancement, +3 fire, 2d4 massive crit, Reduced Save: negative energy -1 (600.000)
Fullplate: +4 Enhancement (250.000)
Fullplate: +4 Enhancement, +3 Charisma (350.000)
Gauntlet: +4 Enhancement, 1d6 Magical, +3 Deflection vs Good (1.200.000)
Gauntlet: +4 Enhancement, +3 Negative Energy (750.000)
Gauntlet: +4 Deflection (250.000)
Gauntlet: +4 Deflection, On Hit: Deafness DC=14 50%/2 Rounds (400.000)
Halberd: +4 Enhancement (100.000)
Helmet: +4 Deflection (400.000)
Kama: +4 Strength, +3 Enhancement (200.000)
Longsword: +4 Enhancement (80.000)
Longsword: +4 Enhancement, +3 Damage vs Lawful, +3 WIll (120.000)
xMace: +4 Intelligence, -1 attack penalty (50.000)
Padded armor: +4 Enhancement (200.000)
Ring: +4 Deflection (450.000)
Scimitar: +4 Enhancement (80.000)
Scimitar: +3 Enhancement, 1d6 Fire, Massive Crit: 1d6 (750.000)
Sickle: +4 Enhancement Bonus (50.000)
Staff: +4 Deflection (70.000)
Staff: +4 int (200.000)
Staff: +4 int, +3 Con (250.000)
Tower Shield: +3 Enhancement, Spell Resistance 32 (400.000)
Tower Shield: +3 Enhancement, +4 Intelligence (50.000)
Warhammer: +4 Enhancement, Massive Crit 2d6 (500.000)
Light Shield: +4 Enhancement, +13 Hitpoints (150.000)

Guest 1 items
Dwarven Waraxe: +3 Enhancement, Acid 3 (150.000)
Fullplate: +4 Enhancement, +3 Wisdom (650.000)
Staff: +4 Deflection (70.000)
Staff: +4 Dexterity, +3 Deflection (70.000)

Guest 2 items
Helmet: +3 Deflection, +3 Charisma (40.000)

Guest 3 items
Bracer: +3 Armor, +3 Constitution, Light Normal 15m White (100.000)
Breastplate: +4 Enhancement (500.000)
Clothes: +4 Constitution, Druid Slot lvl 8 (250.000)
Fullplate: +3 Enhancement, +3 Dexterity (150.000)
Fullplate: +4 Enhancement, +4 Wisdom (1.800.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Enhancement, 1d6 Magical (800.000)
Helmet: +3 Deflection, +3 Wisdom, Bonus Hitpoints +10 (100.000)
Helmet: +3 Deflection, +4 Heal, +3 Save vs Acid (90.000)
Hide Armor: +4 Enhancement (200.000)
Light Shield: +4 Enhancement (300.000)
Studded Leather Armor: +4 Enhancement (250.000)
Tower Shield: +3 Enhancement, +3 Charisma (150.000)

Guest 4 items
Clothes: +3 Hide (60.000)
Clothes: +3 Wisdom, Move Silently +4 (70.000)
Gauntlet: +2 Enhancement, +2 Deflection, +3 Hide (60.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Enhancement, +3 Dexterity, 1d6 Sonic (400.000)
Helmet: +3 Deflection, +3 Intelligence (60.000)
Ring: +4 Deflection (650.000)


Cheap Stuff!
Bastard Sword: +3 Enhancement (10.000)
Bastard Sword: Fire 1d4, Use Magic Device +3 (10.000)
Bastard Sword: On Hit: Disease DC=14 Shakes (10.000)
Bastard Sword: 1d4 Electrical damage (15.000)
Boots: +2 Dodge AC, +2 Constitution (7.000)
Bracer: +2 Armor, +2 Wisdom (10.000)
Cloak(x3): +2 Deflection (3.000)
Cloak: +2 Deflection, +1 Pickpocket, Ranger Slot lvl 0 (5.000)
Clothes: +2 Enhancement, +2 Fortitude (3.000)
Dwarven Waraxe: +2 Enhancement, Massive Critical 5 (10.000)
Dwarven Waraxe: 1d4 Electrical (5.000)
Fullplate: +3 Enhancement, Light Bright (20m) Yellow (10.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Enhancement (5.000)
Gauntlet: 1d4 Slashing (10.000)
Gauntlet: On Hit: Ability Drain DC=14 Constitution (10.000)
Gauntlet: 2 Acid, +1 Dex (15.000)
Handaxe: +2 Negative damage, Spell Resistance 20 (10.000)
Helmet: +2 Deflection (3.000)
Helmet: +2 Deflection, +2 Intelligence (5.000)
Helmet: +2 Deflection, +2 Strength (5.000)
Helmet: +3 Deflection, Light Dim (5m) Green (15.000)
Hide Armor: +2 Unisave, Arcane spell failure -05% (10.000)
Kama: On Hit: Hold DC=14 10% /1 Round (10.000)
Kama: +1 Enhancement, +2 Unisave (10.000)
Katana(x2): +3 Enhancement (10.000)
Katana: +3 Sonic (3.000)
Katana: Massive Crit 2d6 (10.000)
Kukri: +3 Enhancement (10.000)
Light Shield: Arcane Spell Failure: -05% (10.000)
Light Shield: +2 Enhancement, +2 Constitution (10.000)
Longbow: +1 Enhancement, +6 Mighty (3.000)
Longbow: +2 Enhancement, +6 Mighty, Weight Reduction: 60% of Weight (8.000)
Longbow: +2 Enhancement, +4 Mighty (4.000)
Mace(x2): +3 Enhancement (10.000)
Mace: +3 Enhancement, +2 Improved saving throw fear (10.000)
Morningstar: +3 enhancement (10.000)
Necklace: +2 Intelligence, +1 Natural (3.000)
Necklace: +2 Natural, Light Dim (5m) Yellow (5.000)
Necklace: Sorcerer slot (5.000)
Padded Armor: +2 Enhancement (3.000)
Padded Armor: +3 Enhancement (10.000)
Rapier: +2 Unisave (5.000)
Ring: +2 Deflection, Bonus Hitpoints +9 (10.000)
Ring(x2): +2 Dexterity (3.000)
Ring(x2): +2 Wisdom (3.000)
Scale Mail: +3 Enhancement, +3 Strength, Improved Saving Throws: Fear +2 (10.000)
Scimitar: +1 fire, +1 Attack Bonus (7.000)
Shortbow: +2 Enhancement, +6 Mighty, Weight Reduction: 60% of Weight (5.000)
Sickle: +3 Enhancement (10.000)
Sickle: +4 Enhancement vs Evil (25.000)
Spear: 1d4 Fire (20.000)
Staff: +3 Deflection, +3 Dexterity (10.000)
Staff: Spell Resistance 30, Bard Slot lvl 3 (10.000)
Staff: Acid 1, Massive Crit 4, Fire vulnerability 25% (5.000)
Warhammer: +3 Enhancement (10.000)
Warhammer: +1 Enhancement, +2 Fire, Wizard Slot lvl 2 (5.000)
Warmace: +3 Enhancement (10.000)
Warmace: +3 Enhancement, Light Normal (15m) Orange (8.000)

Bastard Sword: +3 Enhancement, Massive Crit 1d6 (30.000)
Bastard Sword: 1d4 Bludgeoning, Massive Criticals 6 (30.000)
Bastard Sword: Magical 3 (20.000)
xBastard Sword: +2 Enhancement, 1d4 dmg vs evil, +2 Fort (30.000)
Battleaxe: +3 Enhancement, 1 Electrical, Material: Darksteel (40.000)
Dagger: +2 Enhancement, Massive Crit 1d10 (20.000)
Dagger: +3 Enhancement, Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude +3 (40.000)
Dwarven Waraxe: +2 Enhancement, Bludgeoning 1d4 (30.000)
Dwarven Waraxe: +3 Attack Bonus, Cold 1d4 (30.000)
Dwarven Waraxe: On Hit: Stun DC=14 50% / 2 Rounds, +1 Reflex (30.000)
Greataxe: +3 Enhancement, 1d6 dmg vs Good (25.000)
Handaxe: +2 Enhancement, +2 Uni save (90.000)
Handaxe: +3 Enhancement, Massive Crit 1d12 (60.000)
Handaxe: +2 Enhancement, 1d4 Sonic (35.000)
Handaxe: +3 Enhancement, +3 Magical damage (100.000)
Heavy Crossbow: +3 Enhancement, Mighty 5 (50.000)
Kama(x2): +3 Enhancement, +3 Deflection AC (40.000)
Kama(x3): +3 Enhancement (20.000)
Katana: +2 Enhancement, +2 Deflection, Spell Resistance 30 (25.000)
Katana: +2 Enhancement, 1d4 piercing, 1d4 vs good (40.000)
Katana: +2 Enhancement, Massive Criticals: 2d12 (250.000)
Katana: +3 Enhancement, +3 cold damage(80.000)
Light Crossbow: +2 Enhancement, Massive Crit 7, Mighty 5 (30.000)
Longbow: +3 Enhancement, +2 Mighty (40.000)
Longbow: +3 Enhancement, +5 Mighty (60.000)
Longsword: +3 Enhancement (20.000)
Mace: +2 Enhancement, +2 Dexterity, +3 Damage bonus vs. Evil (20.000)
Mace: +2 Enhancement, Fire 1d4 (40.000)
Morningstar: On Hit: Fear DC=14 50%/2 Rounds (30.000)
Scimitar: +3 Enhancement, Damage vs good 1d6 (100.000)
Scimitar: +3 Enhancement, Use Magic Device +4, +3 deflection vs chaotic (20.000)
Scythe: +2 Sonic, Massive Crit: 2d4 (25.000)
Scythe: +3 Enhancement, Bonus Hitpoints +13 (20.000)
Scythe: On Hit: Hold DC=14 50%/1Round (15.000)
Shortbow: +2 Enhancement, Mighty 6, 60% weight reduction (30.000)
Shortbow: +3 Enhancement, Mighty 6, 60% weight reduction (60.000)
Sickle: +2 Enhancement, 1d4 Fire (30.000)
Sickle: 1d4 Acid, +2 Constitution, Spell Resistance 16 (15.000)
Sickle: On Hit: Blindness DC=14 50% / 1Round (30.000)
Spear: +3 Enhancement, +4 Enhancement vs Chaotic (20.000)
Staff(x3): +3 Intelligence (40.000)
Staff: +3 Deflection, Spell Resistance 24 (20.000)
Staff: +3 Wisdom, +3 Will (35.000)
Staff: 32 Spell Resistance (50.000)
Staff: Slashing 1d4, Massive Crit 9 (40.000)
Staff: Wizard Slot lvl 7 (30.000)
Staff: Wizard Slot lvl 7, Spell Resistance 16 (40.000)
Staff: +3 Unisave, Ranger lvl 0 (100.000)
Staff: +3 Unisave, +3 Wisdom (200.000)
Staff: +3 Deflection, 30 Spell Resistance (60.000)
Staff: +3 Deflection, +3 Enhancement (30.000)
Warmace: 1d4 magical, Hold DC=14 10%/1 round (20.000)

Breastplate: +3 Enhancement, Sorcerer Slot lvl 3 (20.000)
xBreastplate: +3 Enhancement, Spell Resistance 24 (50.000)
Chainshirt: +3 Enhancement, Material: Darksteel, Resistance: Acid 5/- (80.000)
Clothes: +3 Enhancement (15.000)
Clothes: +3 Enhancement, +2 Strength (30.000)
Clothes: +3 Intelligence (20.000)
Clothes: +3 Charisma (20.000)
Clothes: +3 Dexterity, Spell Resistance 16 (30.000)
Clothes: +3 Enhancement, +3 Constitution (40.000)
Clothes: +3 Enhancement, Bonus Hitpoints +11 (20.000)
Clothes: +3 Enhancement, Bonus Hitpoints +13 (20.000)
Clothes: +3 Enhancement, Druid Slot lvl 2 (25.000)
Clothes: +2 Unisave (90.000)
Clothes: +2 Unisave, +2 Enhancement (110.000)
Clothes: +3 Wisdom, +3 Will (40.000)
Fullplate(x2): +3 Enhancement (25.000)
Fullplate: +3 Enhancement, +3 Fortitude (50.000)
Fullplate: +3 Enhancement, Darksteel Acid resistance 5 (30.000)
Fullplate: +3 Enhancement, Priest Slot lvl 5, Darksteel Acid resistance 5 (30.000)
Fullplate: +2 Unisave (30.000)
Hide Armor: +3 Enhancement, +3 Intelligence (20.000)
Hide Armor: +3 Enhancement, +3 Wisdom (25.000)
Leather Armor: +2 Unisave (20.000)
Leather Armor: +3 Enhancement, Bonus Hitpoints +14 (30.000)
xLeather Armor: +3 Enhancement (20.000)
Leather Armor: +3 Enhancement, +3 Will, Arcane Spell Failure +15%, Light Normal 15m orange (40.000)
Leather Armor: +2 Enhancement, +3 Dexterity (25.000)
Padded Armor: +3 Enhancement, +3 Strength (75.000)
Padded Armor: +3 Enhancement, +2 Charisma (30.000)
Padded Armor: +3 Enhancement, +2 Dexterity, Bonus Hitpoints +10 (60.000)
Padded Armor: +3 Enhancement, +4 Enhancement vs Slashing (30.000)
Padded Armor: +3 Enhancement, Save vs Death +2, Spell Resistance 14 (15.000)
Studded Leather Armor: +3 Enhancement (20.000)
Studded Leather Armor: +3 Enhancement, +3 Intelligence (40.000)

Heavy Shield(x4): +3 Enhancement (25.000)
Heavy Shield: +3 Unisave, +3 Constitution (150.000)
Light Shield(x3): +3 Enhancement (15.000)
Light Shield(x2): +3 Enhancement, +3 Strength (45.000)
Light Shield: +1 Enhancement, +2 Will, Arcane Spell Failure: -05% (15.000)
Light Shield: +2 Enhancement, Arcane Spell Failure: -05% (50.000)
Tower Shield: +2 Unisave (20.000)
Tower Shield(x2): +3 Enhancement (25.000)
xTower Shield: +2 Enhancement, +3 Strength (20.000)
Tower Shield: +3 Enhancement, +3 Strength (80.000)
Tower Shield: 32 Spell Resistance (30.000)

Bracer(x2): +3 Armor (30.000)
Bracer: +3 Armor, +2 Save vs fear (45.000)
Bracer: +3 Constitution, +2 Intelligence (40.000)
Bracer: +3 Armor, +3 Dexterity (120.000)
Gauntlet(x2): +3 Deflection (25.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Charisma (30.000)
Gauntlet: +2 Enhancement, 1d4 slashing, +3 strength (60.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Constitution, Priest Spell lvl 9 (100.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Enhancement, +3 Intelligence (40.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Enhancement, +3 Piercing (70.000)
Gauntlet: On Hit: Silence DC=14 50%/2 Rounds (60.000)
Gauntlet: +2 Intelligence, Cleric Slot lvl 6 (40.000)
Gauntlet: Acid 1d6 (60.000)
xGauntlet: +4 Enhancement vs Evil (75.000)
Gauntlet: +5 Attack Bonus, +3 Enhancement (150.000)
Gauntlet: 3 Magical (40.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Strength, +1 AB (30.000)

Cloak(x2): +3 Deflection (30.000)
Cloak: +3 Intelligence (40.000)
Cloak: +2 Deflection, +2 Constitution (30.000)
Cloak: +3 Charisma (60.000)

Helmet: +3 Deflection (20.000)
Helmet: +3 Deflection, +2 Will (35.000)
Helmet: +3 Deflection, +2 improved saving throw negative energy (30.000)
Helmet: +3 Charisma (40.000)
Helmet: +3 Constitution, 5% sonic vulnerability (30.000)
Helmet: +3 Intelligence (30.000)
Helmet: +3 Deflection, +3 Wisdom (90.000)
Helmet: +3 Wisdom, +2 Dexterity (40.000)
Helmet: +3 Wisdom, +3 Deflection vs Chaotic (25.000)
Helmet: +2 Deflection, +2 Unisave (40.000)

xxBelt(x2): +3 Deflection (30.000)
Belt: +3 Deflection, +3 Intelligence (100.000)
Belt: +2 Deflection, +2 Wisdom (30.000)
Belt(x2): +3 Charisma (35.000)

Necklace: +3 Strength (30.000)

Ring: +3 Deflection (30.000)
Ring: +3 Deflection, Bonus Hitpoints +11 (40.000)
Ring: Druid Slot lvl 7 (50.000)
Ring: +3 Intelligence (30.000)
Ring: +3 Strength (30.000)

Boots (x2): +3 Dodge AC (25.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, +2 Save vs Poison (30.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, +3 Intelligence, Sorcerer Slot lvl 7 (80.000)

Skill Gear

Helmet: +3 Appraise, Cleric Slot lvl 4 (45.000)
Helmet: +3 Appraise (30.000)
Necklace: +3 Appraise (40.000)
Gauntlets: +3 Appraise (20.000)
Katana: +2 Appraise (10.000)
Clothes: +3 Appraise (30.000)

Staff: +3 Bluff, 16 Spell Resistance (30.000)
Boots: +3 Bluff (20.000)
Boots(Diplomacy, Pickpocket): +2 Dodge AC, +3 Bluff, +3 Diplomacy, +3 Pickpocket (100.000)
Helmet: +3 Bluff (20.000)
Gauntlet: +2 Bluff, Light Dim 5m White (15.000)
Longbow: +4 Bluff (20.000)
Clothes: +2 Bluff (20.000)
Clothes: +3 Bluff (50.000)

Boots: +3 Concentration, +2 Dodge ac, Cleric slot lvl 4 (20.000)
Necklace: +3 Concentration (20.000)
Clothes: +3 Concentration (20.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Concentration (20.000)

Craft Alchemy
Boots: Craft Alchemy +3, -4 wisdom, +2 Dodge ac vs Lawful (5.000)
Boots: +3 Craft Alchemy, +2 Dodge AC, +2 Wisdom (30.000)
Rapier: +3 Craft Alchemy (20.000)
Staff: +3 Craft Alchemy, Paladin Slot lvl 4, Bonus Hitpoints 11 (20.000)
Necklace: +2 Craft Alchemy (15.000)
Mace: +3 Craft Alchemy, +2 Enhancement (40.000)

Craft Armor
Morningstar: +3 Craft Armor, +3 AB, Improved Saving Throw: Negative Energy +2, SR 14 (50.000)
Belt: +3 Craft Armor, Improved Saving Throw: Negative Energy +2 (50.000)

Craft Trap
Helmet(Taunt): +3 Craft Trap, +3 Taunt, Bonus Hitpoints +9 (30.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Craft Trap (20.000)
Helmet: +3 Craft Trap, Light Bright 20m Blue (15.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Craft Trap (20.000)
Kama: +3 Craft Trap (20.000)

Craft Weapon

Staff: +2 Diplomacy (10.000)
Boots(Bluff, Pickpocket): +2 Dodge AC, +3 Bluff, +3 Diplomacy, +3 Pickpocket (100.000)
Cloak: +3 Deflection, +3 Diplomacy (70.000)
Helmet: +3 Diplomacy (40.000)

Disable Device
Cloak: +3 Disable Device (80.000)
Belt: +3 Disable Device, +2 Deflection, Light Normal 15m Orange (50.000)
Cloak: +2 Disable Device (30.000)
Staff: +4 Disable Device, Wizard slot lvl 1 (30.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Disable Device, +1 Hide (40.000)
Helmet: +3 Disable Device (40.000)

Clothes: +2 Heal (10.000)
Studded Leather Armor: +3 Heal (15.000)
Necklace: +2 Heal (10.000)
Staff: +3 Heal (20.000)
Scale Mail: +3 Heal, Bonus Hitpoints +2 (15.000)
Helmet: +4 Heal (40.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Heal, Ranger Slot lvl 4 (40.000)
Helmet: +3 Heal, Bonus Hitpoints +9 (30.000)
Longsword: +2 Heal (20.000)
Boots: +4 Heal (30.000)

Necklace: +3 Intimidate (20.000)
Staff: +3 Intimidate (20.000)
Gauntlet(x2): +3 Intimidate (20.000)
Helmet: +3 Intimidate (20.000)

Light Shield: +3 Listen (40.000)
Heavy Shield: +3 Listen (40.000)
Ring: +2 Listen (40.000)
Necklace(x2): +3 Listen, +2 Intelligence (60.000)
Necklace: +3 Listen (30.000)
Helmet: +3 Listen, +2 Deflection (40.000)
Helmet: +3 Listen (40.000)
Staff: +3 Listen, Bonus Hitpoints +4 (25.000)
Staff: +3 Listen (20.000)
Cloak: +3 Listen, +2 Deflection (40.000)
Cloak: +2 Listen (20.000)
Cloak: +3 Listen, Light Bright (20m) Purple
Boots: +3 Listen (20.000)
Boots: +3 Listen, +2 Dodge AC (40.000)
Gauntlet(x2): +3 Listen (40.000)
Belt: +3 Listen, +2 Charisma (40.000)
Belt: +4 Listen, Reduced Saving Throws: Acid -3 (60.000)
Tower Shield: +4 Listen (40.000)
Warhammer: +3 Listen, +1 Enhancement (40.000)
Ring: +2 Listen (20.000)

Necklace: +3 Lore (20.000)
Boots: +3 Lore (20.000)
Helmet: +3 Lore (20.000)
Boots(Concentration): +6 Lore, +6 Concentration (80.000)

Helmet: +4 Parry (30.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Parry (15.000)
Bracer: +3 Parry, Bonus Hitpoints +6 (20.000)
Bracer: +3 Parry, +2 Fort (20.000)
Ring: +4 Parry (40.000)
Necklace: +4 Parry (40.000)
Clothes: +4 Parry, +2 Dexterity (40.000)
Clothes: +4 Parry, +3 Wisdom (40.000)
Belt: +4 Parry (40.000)

Helmet: +3 Perform (20.000)
Helmet: +3 Perform, +2 Deflection (30.000)
Boots: +3 Perform (20.000)
Boots: +3 Perform, +2 Dodge ac (30.000)
Padded Armor: +3 Perform (30.000)
Staff: +3 Perform (20.000)
Ring(x2): +3 Perform (40.000)
Clothes: +3 Perform (20.000)
Kama: +3 Perform (30.000)
Tower Shield: +3 Perform, +1 Enhancement (20.000)

Bracers: +3 Search (20.000)
Necklace: +3 Search (20.000)
Necklace: +4 Search (30.000)
Ring: +3 Search (30.000)
Helmet: +4 Search, +3 Deflection (50.000)
Helmet: +3 Search (30.000)
Padded Armor: +3 Search, +2 Enhancement (15.000)
Padded Armor: +3 Search (10.000)
Boots: +3 Search (10.000)
Boots: +3 Search, Bonus Hitpoints +12 (20.000)

Set Trap
Staff: +4 Set Trap (10.000)
Necklace: +3 Set Trap, +1 Strength (20.000)
Helmet: +3 Set Trap, +2 Deflection (20.000)
Belt: +3 Set Trap (20.000)
Padded Armor: +3 Set Trap, Bonus Hitpoints +13 (30.000)
Boots: +3 Set Trap (30.000)
Leather Armor: +3 Set Trap, -2 Will (20.000)

Sense Motive
Gauntlet: +3 Sense Motive (30.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Sense Motive, +2 Intelligence, +2 Enhancement vs Chaotic (40.000)
Necklace: +3 Sense Motive, +2 Natural AC (40.000)
Ring: +3 Sense Motive, +2 Deflection (40.000)

Boots: +5 Spellcraft, +3 Dodge AC (80.000)
Boots: +4 Spellcraft, +2 Dodge AC vs Lawful (30.000)
Boots: +3 Spellcraft, +2 Dodge AC (30.000)
Necklace: +2 Spellcraft (10.000)
Ring: +3 Spellcraft, +1 Deflection vs bludgeoning (30.000)
Ring: +3 Spellcraft (30.000)
Ring: +2 Spellcraft (15.000)
Belt: +3 Spellcraft, +2 Deflection (30.000)
Helmet(x2): +3 Spellcraft (30.000)
Helmet: +4 Spellcraft (30.000)
Helmet(tumble): +3 Spellcraft, +3 Tumble (30.000)
Staff: +4 Spellcraft, +2 Reflex, Light dim 5m purple (30.000)
Clothes: +3 Spellcraft, Sorcerer slot 2 (30.000)
Kama: +4 Spellcraft, +2 Charisma (30.000)
Mace: +3 Spellcraft (20.000)

Boots: +3 Spot, Damage Vulnerability: Electrical 10% (20.000)
Katana(x2): +3 Spot (20.000)
Staff: +3 Spot (30.000)
Clothes: +3 Spot, +2 Intelligence (100.000)
Gauntlets: +3 Spot (40.000)

Staff: +3 Survival (10.000)
Gauntlet(x2): +3 Survival (20.000)
Helmet(x2): +3 Survival (30.000)
Clothes: +3 Survival (30.000)
Cloak: +3 Survival (30.000)
Boots: +3 Survival (30.000)
Ring: +3 Survival (40.000)

Necklace: +3 Taunt (10.000)
Belt(x2): +3 Taunt (20.000)
Boots: +4 Taunt (15.000)
Helmet(Craft Trap): +3 Craft Trap, +3 Taunt, Bonus Hitpoints +9 (30.000)
Helmet: +3 Taunt (15.000)
Helmet: +3 Taunt, +2 Will (15.000)
Tower Shield: +3 Taunt (10.000)
Bastard Sword: +3 Taunt (10.000)

Helmet(spellcraft): +3 Spellcraft, +3 Tumble (30.000)
Heavy Shield: +3 Enhancement, +4 Tumble (30.000)

Use Magic Device
Staff: +3 Use Magic Device (20.000)
Helmet: +3 Use Magic Device (20.000)
Helmet: +3 Use Magic Device, +2 Deflection (30.000)
Necklace: +3 Use Magic Device (20.000)
Boots: +3 Use Magic Device, +1 Reflex (20.000)
Belt: +3 Use Magic Device, +2 Deflection (20.000)
Tower Shield: +3 Use Magic Device, +3 Enhancement (50.000)

Thieving equipment
Thieving equipment is priced high given its nature. Special arrangements can be made to lower the price. Trusted people can buy these at a heavily lowered price.

Helmet: +3 Deflection, +3 Hide (100.000)
Rapier: +3 Hide, +2 Enhancement vs Evil (100.000)
Necklace(Move Silently): +1 hide, +1 Move Silently, +1 Natural (100.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Hide, On Hit: Blindness DC=14 33%/1 Round (100.000)
Gauntlet: +2 Hide, +3 Hitpoints (100.000)
Scale Mail: +5 Hide, +3 Enhancement (200.000)
Amulet: +3 Hide, +11 Hitpoints, +2 Natural vs Piercing (100.000)
Belt: +3 Hide, +2 Strength (100.000)
Clothes: +4 Hide (200.000)

Move Silently
Belt: +3 Move Silently, +2 deflection (100.000)
Necklace(Hide): +1 hide, +1 Move Silently, +1 Natural (100.000)
Staff: +4 Move Silently, Cleric Slot lvl 1 (100.000)
Ring: +3 Move Silently, +2 Deflection (100.000)

Open Lock
Staff(x2): +3 Open Lock (100.000)
Necklace: +1 Open Lock, Light Dim (5m) Orange (100.000)
Tower Shield: +3 Open Lock (100.000)
Light Shield: +3 Open Lock (100.000)
Boots: +3 Open Lock (100.000)
Boots: +3 Open Lock, +3 Sense Motive, +3 Listen, +2 Wisdom, +2 Dodge (150.000)

Light Hammer: +5 Pickpocket (100.000)
Light Shield: +4 Pickpocket, Spell Resistance 14 (100.000)
Boots(x2): +3 Pickpocket (100.000)
Boots: +3 Pickpocket, +2 Dodge AC (100.000)
Boots: +2 Pickpocket (100.000)
Boots(Bluff, Diplomacy): +2 Dodge AC, +3 Bluff, +3 Diplomacy, +3 Pickpocket (100.000)
Belt: +3 Pickpocket (100.000)
Belt: +2 Pickpocket (100.000)
Helmet: +4 Pickpocket (100.000)
Helmet: +4 Pickpocket, +3 Deflection (200.000)
Helmet: +4 Pickpocket, +3 Will (200.000)
Helmet: +3 Pickpocket, +1 Dexterity (100.000)
Bracer: +4 Pickpocket (100.000)
Clothes: +3 Pickpocket, +2 Enhancement (100.000)
Clothes(x2): +3 Pickpocket (100.000)
Cloak: +2 Pickpocket (100.000)
Cloak: +3 Pickpocket (100.000)
Necklace: +4 Pickpocket, Wizard Slot lvl 5 (100.000)
Necklace: +3 Pickpocket, -2 save vs Cold (100.000)
Ring: +2 Pickpocket, +2 Set Trap (100.000)
Ring: +3 Pickpocket (100.000)
Ring: +3 Pickpocket, +1 Strength (100.000)
Ring: +3 Pickpocket, +3 Deflection vs Slashing(100.000)
Staff: +3 Pickpocket, +1 Deflection (100.000)
Staff: +3 Pickpocket (100.000)
Staff: +2 Pickpocket (100.000)
Kama: +3 Pickpocket, 2 Magical Damage (100.000)


Code: Select all

Clothes: +4 int, +4 perform (300.000)
Chain Shirt: +3 Enhancement, 32 Spellresistance (150.000)
Longbow: +3 Enhancement, +6 Mighty, 60% weight reduction (80.000)
Scimitar: +2 Enhancement, 1d4 Fire (25.000)
Cloak: +3 Deflection (40.000)
Boots: +2 Dodge AC +2 Uni saves (40.000)
Ring: +2 Wisdom (3.000)
Ring: +3 Deflection, Hitpoints 11, Penalty spot -1 (30.000)
Bulk 1 Priced: 1.140.000
Boots: +4 Dodge AC, Light Normal(15m) Red (900.000 - bulk 1)
Helmet: +4 Deflection, +3 Reflex (300.000 - Bulk 1 GUEST1)
Necklace(x3): +3 Natural (40.000 - Bulk 1)
Boots: +2 Dodge AC +3 Open Lock (50.000)
Bulk 2 Priced: 54.000
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (20.000 - Bulk 2)
Ring: Wizard Slot lvl 4 (50.000 - Bulk 2)
Clothes: +3 Heal, +2 wisdom (30.000)
Cloak: +4 Heal, +2 Save vs Disease (40.000)
Boots: +3 Heal, +2 Dodge ac (40.000)
Necklace: +3 Heal (30.000)
Staff: +3 Heal, Cleric slot 3 (40.000)
Belt: +3 Strength (20.000)
Bracer: +4 Search, Bonus Hitpoints +15 (40.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, +4 Move Silently (60.000 - GUEST2)
Boots: +2 Lore, +2 Spellcraft (20.000)
Staff: Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard Level 9 (70.000)
Helmet: +2 Unisave, +1 deflection (40.000)
Boots: +4 Int, +3 Dodge AC (500.000)
Kukri: +2 Electrical damage, +2 Negative energy damage (60.000)
Helmet: Craft Alchemy +3, +2 Deflection (40.000)
Amulet: +4 Search, +3 Natural Armor (60.000)
Helmet: +3 Intelligence, +3 Strength (60.000 - GUEST2)
Amulet: +3 Craft Armor (30.000)
Helmet: +5 Craft Armor, Deflection vs bludgeoning +3 (100.000)
Boots: +3 Craft Armor, +2 Dodge ac (35.000)
Heavy Shield: +4 Craft Armor, +3 Dexterity, Bonus Hitpoints +9 (50.000)
Boots: +4 Craft Weapon, +2 dodge ac (40.000)
Heavy Shield: +3 Enhancement, Reflex +3 (40.000)
Flail: Negative Energy 3, Hold DC=14 25%/3rounds (25.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (20.000)
Falchion: +2 Enhancement, Magical 1d4 (30.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (20.000)
Chain Shirt: +3 Enhancement, Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude +2 (20.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, Improved save: Will +3 (45.000)
Helmet: +3 Wisdom, +3 Deflection (100.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (20.000)
Dwarven Waraxe: +3 Enhancement, 1d4 Bludgeoning, Intimidate +4, Improved Saving Throws: Cold +2 (80.000)
Dwarven Waraxe: +3 Enhancement, On Hit: Disease DC=14 Demon Fever(1d6con damage) (50.000)
Ring: Cleric slot lvl 7 (40.000)
Necklace: +3 Natural, +3 Constitution (150.000)
Light Shield: +3 Enhancement, Arcane Spell Failure: -05% (150.000 - Guest 2)
Ring: +2 Strength(3.000)
Chain Shirt: +3 Enhancement (15.000)
Longsword: +4 Enhancement (120.000)
Kukri: +1 Attack Bonus, +2 Fire (3.000)
Necklace: +3 Pickpocket, +3 Natural (100.000 - discounted to 75.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (20.000 - discounted to 10.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (20.000 - discounted to 10.000)
Belt: +2 Wisdom (3.000 - reserved to 3600)
Heavy Shield: +3 Enhancement (30.000)
Scythe: +3 Enhancement (40.000)
Scimitar: +2 Enhancement, Bludgeoning 1d4 (30.000)
Greatsword: 1d6 Magical (30.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (20.000)
Ring: +3 Intelligence, Light Low (10) Yellow (40.000)
Greatsword: +3 Enhancement (25.000)
Ring: +2 Strength (3.000)
Boots: +2 Dodge AC (3.000)
Necklace: +2 Natural AC, +10 bonus hitpoints(3.000)
Helmet: +3 Deflection (15.000)
Necklace: +2 Natural, +2 Dexterity (40.000)
Helmet: +2 Dexterity (3.000)
Battleaxe: +3 Enhancement, 26 Spellresistance (15.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (20.000)
Gauntlet: Cleric Slot lvl 7 (40.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, +2 Dexterity, Damage Immunity Physical 5% (1.000.000)
Necklace: +3 Natural, +4 Spot (100.000 - Guest 3)
Ring: +2 Deflection, +2 Wisdom (30.000)
Ring: +2 Deflection, +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity (40.000)
Helmet: +4 Hide, +4 Move Silently, +3 Spot (180.000 - Guest 3)
Shortsword: +3 Enhance, 1d6 Cold (130.000 - Guest 3)
Belt: +50 Hitpoints, +2 Unisave, Cleric Slot lvl 3 (600.000 - Guest 3, being paid in installments)
Scroll of Invisibility Sphere (3000)
Gauntlet: +2 Enhancement, On Hit: Stun DC=14 25%/1 Round (40-60.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, +2 Dexterity, +3 Move Silently (80.000 - guest 3)
Leather Armor: +3 Enhancement (10.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, +2 Save vs Fire (30.000)
Scythe: +3 Enhancement (25.000)
Longbow: +2 Enhancement, +6 Mighty, Weight Reduction: 60% of Weight (5.000)
Necklace: +3 Strength, Cleric slot 1, Sorcerer slot 7 (30.000)
Heavy Shield: +3 Enhancement (30.000)
Greatsword: +2 Enhancement, 1d4 Sonic (50.000)
Breastplate: +3 Enhancement, Save vs Mind Affecting: +2(10.000 - CHARITY)
Ring: +2 Craft Weapon, +1 Deflection (10.000)
Helmet: +3 Craft Weapon (20.000)
Heavy Shield: +3 Craft Weapon (20.000)
Boots: +3 Craft Weapon, +3 Dodge ac (50.000)
Boots: +3 Craft Weapon, +2 Dodge ac vs lawful (20.000)
Boots: +3 Craft Weapon, -1 shield (15.000)
Staff: +3 Craft Weapon, Saving throw acid +2 (30.000)
Staff: +3 Craft Armor, +1 Move silently (20.000)
Helmet: +4 Craft Armor, +2 Deflection vs Evil (30.000)
Staff(Pickpocket): +3 Pickpocket, +3 Craft Armor (100.000)
Necklace: +3 Craft Armor (30.000)
Ring: +3 Deflection, +3 Constitution (50.000 - Guest 2)
Ring: +3 Deflection, +3 Constitution, +3 Intelligence (150.000)
Cloak: +3 Perform (30.000)
Belt: +3 Spellcraft, +2 will (30.000)
Bracers: +3 Spellcraft (30.000)
Belt of the tank: +2 Constitution, Bonus Hitpoints: +50 (75.000)
Ring: +4 Dexterity, +14 Hitpoints (500.000 - Guest 1)
Boots: +4 Dodge AC (600.000 - Guest 1)
Ring: +4 Deflection (400.000)
Clothes: Only usable by: Wizard, Sorcerer. +2 Enhancement, +2 Uni, +5 concentration, Spell Resistance 26 (10.000)
Gauntlet: Wizard Slot lvl 7, Bard Slot lvl 2 (40.000)
Gauntles: +4 attack bonus, +3 Dexterity (40.000)
Bracer: +4 Set Trap, +3 Strength (30.000)
Helmet: +3 Intelligence, Bonus Hitpoints +15 (40.000)
Helmet: +2 Unisave (40.000)
Breastplate: +3 Enhancement, Arcane Spell Failure +15%, Darksteel Resistance Acid 5/- (20.000)
Helmet: +3 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom (50.000)
Cloak: +3 Deflection (10.000 - Charity)
Necklace: +2 Natural, Bonus Hitpoints +11 (5.000)
Necklace: +2 Natural AC, Light Dim (5m) Red(2.500)
Ring: +2 Charisma (10.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Enhancement (5.000)
Spear: +3 Enhancement (10.000)
Boots: +2 Dodge AC (3.000)
Cloak: +3 Deflection, Light Normal (15m) Red (25.000)
Scythe: +4 Enhancement (90.000 - Charity)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (25.000)
Ring: +3 Deflection (30.000)
Chain Shirt: +2 Enhancement, +2 Reflex, Spell Resistance 22 (5.000)
Kama: +2 Enhancement, 1d4 electrical (40.000)
Kama: +3 Enhancement, 1d6 Magical, Improved Saving Throws: Poison +2 (150.000 - Guest 1)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (25.000)
Cloak: +2 Strength, +2 Reflex (20.000)
Necklace: +3 Natural, +3 Constitution (100.000)
Belt: +2 Wisdom (5.000 - CHARITY)
Tower Shield: +3 Enhancement, Bonus Hitpoints +9 (30.000)
Longbow: +3 Enhancement, +6 Mighty (150.000 - Paid in increments)
Chain Shirt: +4 Enhancement (350.000)
Gauntlet: +2 Enhancement, 1d4 Electric (25.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Enhancement, +3 Electrical (50.000 - discounted to 25.000)
Heavy Shield: +3 Enhancement, +3 Reflex (40.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, +3 Wisdom, +2 UniSave (200.000)
Bracers: +3 Constitution, +2 Reflex (30.000)
Helmet: +3 Deflection, +3 Dexterity (80.000)
Cloak: +4 Deflection (300.000)
Bracer: +3 Armor, +4 Strength (300.000 - Guest 3)
Helmet: +3 Wisdom, Bonus Hitpoints +13, +2 Save vs Mind Affecting (40.000)
Ring: +3 Charisma, Cleric Slot lvl 8 (70.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Attack Bonus, On Hit: Hold DC=14 25%/3 Rounds (60.000)
Staff: +3 Spot (30.000)
Ring: +3 Disable Device (30.000)
Helmet: +3 Disable Device (30.000)
Clothes: +3 Disable Device (30.000)
Cloak: +3 Dexterity, +3 Intelligence, +2 Charisma (90.000 - Guest 4)
Ring: +2 Constitution (5.000)
Bracer: +2 Charisma, Reduced Saving Throws: Positive Energy -3 (3.000)
Clothes: +2 Enhancement, +2 Strength (3.000)
Necklace: +3 Natural(40.000)
Boots: +4 Dodge AC, Wizard slot lvl 2 (750.000 - Discounted to 600.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, +3 Wisdom (130.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Enhancement, +3 Wisdom (50.000)
Ring: +3 Constitution(40.000)
Necklace: +4 Set Trap (30.000 - Bundled to 55.000)
Ring: +3 Set Trap, Deflection +2 (20.000 - Bundled to 55.000)
Ring: +3 Set Trap (20.000 - Bundled to 55.000)
Breastplate: +2 Enhancement, +3 Dexterity, Adamantine Damage Reduction 2/- (30.000)
Cloak: +3 Deflection, Bonus Hitpoints +15 (40.000)
Fullplate: 32 Spell Resistance (5.000)
Studded Leather Armor: +3 Enhancement (20.000)
Gauntlet: +2 Strength (3.000)
Longbow: +2 Enhancement, +2 Dexterity, +6 Mighty, Weight Reduction: 60% of Weight (10.000)
Necklace: +4 Natural (1.200.000 - Guest 4)
Boots: +4 Intelligence, +3 Dodge AC, -4 Tumble (400.000)
Clothes: +2 Enhancement, 32 Spell resistance (50.000)
Longbow: +2 Enhancement, +6 Mighty, Extra Ranged Damage: Slashing (50.000)
Cloak: +3 Deflection, +3 Hide, +3 Move Silently (100.000 - Guest 3)
Light Shield: +3 Enhancement, Arcane Spell Failure: -05% (150.000 - Guest 1)
Warhammer: 1d4 Magical, Massive Crit 9 (60.000 - Reserved to 72.000)
Belt: +4 Set Trap (30.000 - Reserved to 36.000)
Handaxe: +3 Enhancement (5.000)
Handaxe: +3 Enhancement, Spell Resistance 14 (10.000)
Chainshirt: +3 Enhancement, Darksteel Acid 5/- (40.000)
Ring: +3 Charisma, +2 Intelligence (45.000)
Tower Shield: +4 Enhancement, Bard Slot lvl 5 (400.000 - Guest 1)
Belt: +4 Constitution (130.000 - Guest 1)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, +3 Charisma (130.000)
Clothes: +4 Dexterity (80.000 - Guest 2)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, Bonus Hitpoints +14 (30.000)
Helmet: +3 Strength (30.000)
Ring: +3 Deflection, Bonus Hitpoints +6 (35.000)
Dwarven Waraxe: +3 Enhancement, Acid 1d6 (160.000 - Guest 1)
Necklace: +2 Natural, +2 Dexterity (10.000)
Handaxe: +3 Hide, +2 Dexterity, 1d4 magical (100.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, Bonus Hitpoints +13 (30.000)
Ring: +3 Dexterity (30.000)
Boots: +4 Spot, +3 Dodge AC, Bonus Hitpoints +11, +3 Improved save vs Sonic (350.000 - incremental)
Clothes: +4 Enhancement, +3 Reflex (300.000 - Increments)
Longsword: +3 Enhancement, 1 Electrical, Material: Darksteel (40.000)
Warhammer: +3 Enhancement, 1d6 Fire, 1d4 Slashing (500.000)
Necklace: +2 Natural, Bonus Hitpoints +7 (5.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (25.000)
Light Shield: +4 Enhancement, Bonus Hitpoints +13 (350.000)
Helmet: +3 Deflection, +2 Charisma, Light Normal 15m purple (30.000)
Necklace: Sorcerer slot lvl 9 (3.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, +3 Wisdom (200.000 - Guest 3 - Increments)
Gauntlet: Cleric Slot lvl 6 (20.000)
Necklace: +3 Wisdom, +3 Natural vs Slashing (20.000 - Guest 3)
Dagger: +3 Enhancement, 1 Electrical, Material: Darksteel (40.000)
Dagger: +2 Enhancement, 1d4 Fire, Bonus Hitpoints +4 (60.000)
Chain Shirt: +3 Enhancement, +4 Parry (70.000 - Guest 3)
Helmet: -5 Diplomacy, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, Appraise +3 Concentration +3 Lore +5 Use Magic Device +2 (10.000)
Club: +4 Constitution, Weight Reduction: 60% (20.000)
Ring: +2 Dexterity, Bonus Hitpoints +4 (3.500)
Ring: Wizard Slot lvl 7, Cleric Slot lvl 5 (60.000 - discounted to 50.000)
Cloak: +2 Unisave (100.000)
Helmet: +4 Strength, Bonus Hitpoints +11 (500.000 - Guest 3)
Necklace: +4 Charisma, Bonus Hitpoints +14 (500.000)
Ring: +3 Charisma, +3 Strength (200.000 - Guest 3)
Ring: +3 Intelligence, Bonus Hitpoints +12 (30.000)
Belt: +3 Survival (30.000)
Boots: +2 Survival, +1 save vs death(5.000)
Staff: +4 Survival, Spell Resistance 14 (20.000)
Ring: +2 Survival, Bonus Hitpoints +2 (15.000)
Helmet: +3 Survival (1.000)
Clothes: +4 Enhancement (230.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (25.000)
Cloak: +3 Constitution (40.000)
Fullplate: +3 Enhancement, +5 Hitpoints (30.000)
Scimitar: +5 Attack Bonus, +3 Enhancement (40.000)
Scimitar: +3 Enhancement, +2 Deflection (10.000)
Dwarven Waraxe: +3 Spot (20.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, +4 Constitution (400.000)
Ring: +3 Craft Weapon (40.000)
Ring: +3 Craft Armor (40.000)
Bracer: +3 Craft Armor (20.000)
Longsword: +3 Craft Armor (40.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Dexterity (40.000)
Longbow: +3 Enhancement, +2 Mighty (40.000)
Ring: +2 Wisdom (3.000)
Dagger: 1d4 Fire (5.000)
Boots: +4 Dodge AC (750.000 - discounted to 500.000)
Helmet: +3 Deflection, +3 Dexterity (80.000)
Heavy Shield: +4 Taunt, +3 Shield (150.000)
Necklace: +5 Taunt, Bonus Hitpoints +10 (40.000)
Helmet: +3 Strength, +2 Deflection vs Lawful (30.000)
Club: +2 Enhancement, Negative Energy 1d4, Weight Reduction 60% (30.000)
Helmet: +3 Wisdom, Electric vulnerable 5% (10.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (25.000)
Bracer: +3 Dexterity (50.000)
Cloak: +3 Deflection (15.000 - Guest 2)
Clothes: +3 Enhancement, +4 Dexterity (400.000 - Guest1)
Helmet: +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity (8.000)
Necklace: +3 Charisma (30.000)
Belt: +50 Bonus Hitpoints, +2 Constitution (90.000)
Cloak: +3 Deflection (30.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC, +3 Constitution, +3 Intelligence (200.000)
Boots: +3 Dodge AC (25.000)
Helmet: +3 Intelligence, +3 Fort (50.000)
Helmet: +2 Unisave (30.000)
Belt: +4 Deflection (100.000)
Light Shield: +2 Strength, +2 Unisave (35.000)
Ring: +2 Deflection, +1 Unisave (15.000)
Cloak: +2 Unisave (150.000)
Bastard Sword: +3 Open Lock, +2 Will (100.000)
Padded Armor: +3 Open Lock (150.000)
Tower Shield: +3 Enhancement, Bonus Hitpoints +15 (50.000)
Longsword: 1d6 Bludgeoning, 3 Electrical (300.000)
Ring: +1 Open Lock, Light Bright(20m) Orange (100.000 -> 20.000)
Helmet: +2 Deflection, +2 Unisave (40.000)
Halberd: +3 Enhancement, 1d4 Slashing (120.000)
Arrow(x396): +5 Enhancement (8.000 for 99 arrows (32.000))
Longsword: 1d4 Piercing (10.000)
Spear: +2 Enhancement, 1 Magical, 1d4 bludgeoning (25.000)
Helmet: +2 Craft Armor, +1 Deflection (20.000)
Kama: +3 Craft Armor (20.000)
Helmet: +4 Craft Armor, +2 Deflection vs Evil (30.000)
Staff: +3 Craft Weapon (20.000)
Staff: +3 Craft Armor (20.000)
Staff: +3 Craft Armor, Light Dim 5m Green (20.000)
Staff: +3 Craft Weapon (20.000)
Helmet: +3 Craft Armor (20.000)
Katana: +3 Craft Weapon, +2 Enhancement (20.000)
Tower Shield: +3 Craft Weapon, +2 Shield, Reduced Save Poison -1 (30.000)
Fullplate: +3 Craft Weapon, +2 Charisma (30.000)
Necklace: +3 Craft Weapon, +3 Strength (40.000)
Necklace: +3 Craft Armor (20.000)
Necklace: +2 Craft Armor, Light dim 5m purple (15.000)
Shortbow: +4 enhancement, Massive Criticals 2d6 (100.000)
Bastard Sword: +4 Attack Bonus, Massive Criticals 1d12 (10.000)
Bastard Sword: +2 Enhancement, 1d4 Acid(50.000) 
Heavy Shield: +2 Unisave (50.000)
Gauntlet: Cleric Slot lvl 7 (40.000)
Gauntlet: +4 Charisma, +4 Intelligence (2.000.000 - Guest 4)
Ring: +3 Appraise (30.000)
Breastplate: +4 Dexterity, +4 Will (250.000)
Necklace: +3 Natural (50.000)
Clothes: +3 Enhancement, +3 Wisdom (50.000)
Greatsword: +3 Enhancement, +3 Negative Energy (120.000)
Chainmail: +3 Enhancement, Spell Resistance 24, Darksteel: Acid 5/- (20.000)
Cloak: +3 Deflection, +3 Wisdom (90.000)
Ring: +3 Intelligence, +3 Wisdom (100.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Enhancement, +4 Constitution (450.000 - Guest 3)
Helmet: +3 Deflection, +4 Fort (120.000)
Boots: +3 Lore, +2 Dodge ac (25.000)
Necklace: +3 Lore, +2 Natural vs Slashing (20.000)
Gauntlet: +4 Enhancement, 1d6 Magical (1.400.000 -> 800.000)
Shortsword: +3 Enhancement, 1d6 acid, Light normal 15m Blue (300.000 - Guest 4)
Rapier: +4 Wisdom, +2 Enhancement vs Neutral (50.000)
Necklace: +4 Constitution, +3 Natural vs Lawful (200.000)
Bastard Sword: +4 Enhancement (60.000)
Boots: +4 Intelligence (80.000)
Staff(x2): +3 Wisdom (60.000)
Bastard Sword: +3 Enhancement, +3 Deflection (30.000)
Bastard Sword: +2 Enhancement, Spell resistance 30 (25.000)
Katana: +4 Enhancement vs Evil (25.000)
Helmet(x4): +3 Deflection (80.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Enhancement, +2 Deflection (20.000)
Heavy Shield(x2): +3 Enhancement (50.000)
Clothes(x3): +3 Enhancement (45.000)
Tower Shield: +3 Enhancement, Spell Failure -05% (25.000)
Bracer(x2): +3 Armor (60.000)
Clothes: +4 Search, +3 Enhancement (60.000)
Clothes: +3 Enhancement, Spell Resistance 30 (90.000)
Helmet: +4 Sense Motive, +3 Strength (40.000)
Boots: +3 Craft Alchemy, +2 Dodge AC (25.000)
Helmet: +3 Craft Alchemy, +3 Deflection (40.000)
Staff: +3 Craft Alchemy (20.000)
Clothes: +3 Craft Alchemy (20.000)
Ring: +4 Deflection (450.000)
Boots: +4 Dodge (650.000)
Clothes: +3 Enhancement, +4 Charisma (450.000)
Cloak: +3 Unisave (1.500.000)
Ring: +4 Intelligence (750.000)
Ring: +4 Intelligence, +14HP (1.250.000)
Gauntlet: +3 Bluff (40.000)
Clothes: +4 Bluff (80.000)
Necklace: +3 Bluff (20.000)
Club: 32 Spell Resistance, 1d4 Sonic Damage, Light Low(10m) Purple (30.000)
Ring: +4 Move Silently (80.000 - Guest 4)
Kukri: +3 Enhancement, +3 Strength, Massive Criticals: 3 (30.000)
Book of Prayer: Usable by : cleric, Paladin - Light(1) Unlimited, Prayer(5) 3uses/day (20.000)
Kukri: +1 Enhancement, +2 Fort, On Hit: Poison DC= 14 1d2 Dexterity (10.000)
Kukri: +1 Charisma, Massive Crit 1d10, On Hit: Fear DC=14 50%/1 Round (30.000)
Ring: +4 Hide, +3 Deflection(200.000)
Helmet: +3 Pickpocket (100.000)
Ring: +3 Charisma, +14 HP (40.000)
Clothes: +4 Enhancement (150.000)
Gauntlets: +4 Hide, +4 Move Silently (500.000)
Ring: +3 Wisdom (30.000)
Rapier: +3 Enhancement, 3 Slashing, Priest slot lvl 9, Druid slot lvl 2 (120.000)
Fullplate: 32 Spell Resistance, Light Normal(15m) Yellow (40.000)
Ring: Wizard Slot lvl 6 (50.000)
Longsword: Material: Metal (Alchemical Silver) (80.000)
Ring: +2 Dexterity(3.000)
Helmet: +3 Deflection, +2 Will (35.000)
Ring: +4 Deflection, +3 Intelligence (800.000 - Guest 4)
Boots: +4 Dodge AC (1.000.000 - Guest 4)
Clothes: Spell Resistance 30 (10.000)
Mace: +4 Enhancement (80.000)
Ring: +3 Strength (30.000)
Heavy Crossbow(Black Widow): +5 AB, Greater weapon spec, weapon spec(Heavy crossbow), 1d6 magical, -4 dodge, 5 might (2.500.000)
Studded Leather Armor: +4 Enhancement, Bonus Hitpoints +12 (100.000)
Helmet: +3 Constitution, +3 Strength (60.000)
Belt: +3 Deflection, Light Dim 5m Orange (20.000)
Necklace: +3 Natural, Reduced Saving Throws: Disease -5 (50.000)
Staff: +5 Spot, Bonus Hitpoints +13 (150.000 - Guest 3)
Staff: +3 Damage Bonus vs Evil, +1 Magical, On Hit: Stun DC=14 25%/3 Rounds(40.000)

Ingame issues require ingame solutions.
Stay in character.

We all make mistakes, failRP’s and misplays - just do your best and move on.