Credits - Thanks to all of you!

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Credits - Thanks to all of you!

Post by K.Kragh »

In creating this server, we have received help from so many people. We are of course very grateful for this, and would like to publicly thank all of you. If you have been forgotten, don’t hesitate to contact us so that we can get your name up here! We have tried, to the best of our ability, to make the credit list chronological in the order of when people have helped us.

Credits list:

KKragh: For designing the world and the server, which hopefully absolves him for the terribly designed areas he also added.

ProgressivePsy: For actually creating and integrating most of the server’s areas as well as monsters. Without his work, there would not be an actual server, only an idea of one.

R.Kragh: For throwing himself out there, scripting what needed to be scripted even though he had never before used the NWscript. Without his hard work and patience, the server would have been very vanilla and boring.

Ghostly_Rose: For beautifying several of our key areas, giving them that female touch that gives an area some personality, for reminding us of the importance to have RP oriented areas and spots around the world, for always being such a harsh critic, and for continually sharing her ideas for the server’s design, many of which have been integrated on the server.

Flipside: For supplying us with a couple of areas early on and helping us out as part of the early DM team.

Rebel: Not only for taking a chance on us early on becoming a DM, but also for being an invaluable sparring partner for many design decisions on the server.

KVS: For building a couple of areas, and for his patient willingness to help us test the server during its development.

Krede: For building a couple of areas, always sharing his design ideas, and for his patient willingness to help us test the server during its development.

BrianMikkel: For his help in building several areas for the server.

Peak-a-boo: For creating effects to our custom classes, thereby adding to the server’s uniqueness. Also assisted building key areas and generally helping out with testing and optimizing.

Fabricius: For building a couple of early player home areas for the server.

Endelyon: For sharing the appearance changer script from Baldur’s Gate with us - we are very thankful for not having to reinvent an already existing and perfectly fine working wheel!

Dagesh: For kindly sharing his RP EXP script with us, that will give those nerds just standing around and RPing all day a chance to catch up to the rest of us!

Mimi: For willingly assisting us with flavorful scripts as well as always being there to answer questions, however hopelessly naive they might be.

Flipside: For helping us with several areas.

athornforyouheart and LivT: For sharing all of their hard work and considerable expertise.

Lorsan: For relentlessly helping us weed out a ton of bugs.

Silver Lining Aka Bailey: For using her awesome creative skills to make our server a prettier and more enjoyable place to play!

Rad-Icarus: For sharing his amazing talent as a builder with us!

Nazkal: For graciously coming out of NWN 2 area building retirement to help us make this server complete.

NWN2 Admin Group: For their willingness to share their experience of creating and hosting NWN 2 servers with us.

Kaedrin: For putting his work out there, so that we didn’t have to make all of the non-standard feats ourselves.

The Baldur’s Gate server and their team: for generously sharing so much with us, from content to expertise.

Magical Wisp: For sharing all his work on the Vault.

Lastly the NWN 2 developers: For creating a wonderful setting around the City of Neverwinter that we have shamelessly exploited!
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