A feedback

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A feedback

Post by Agog_Fr »

Hello. I have been a player and DM on several servers. Thanks to the team for creating this server and for making so much effort! Here is a topic of feedback. :)

What I really like about the server:

- The revision of feats, spells, classes: It feels like you have a lot of experience with nwn2. That you took the whole problem, to change the mechanics from bottom to top. I assume you have experience in PvP. PvP players are sensitive to the issue of balance. The new classes are Nordic oriented it's obvious, but not only. I like the Dark Knight of Baine and the Myrkyr Wielder in particular because of its most original mechanics. Lot of new class avec original mechanics!

- PvP: The policy is simple and clear. It allows players to be autonomous.

- Disguise: I have not tested the system but the fact that you can change your name is great in a server with a PvP vocation or dimension obviously. I hope that a good disguise will not be too easy to be detected. If it's enough to check someone every 10 minutes to detect him for example, it would make detection an easy task and therefore would not encourage disguise and the RP which comes with it, which already involves high risks.

- The dungeons: There are many enemies. The fights are intense. I haven't been too much yet as I haven't gone beyond the orc dungeon in terms of difficulty. Nice work I guess the dungeons and the spawn system are the best I have seen so far.

- Future events: From what I've read on the discord, it seems that player initiatives will really be followed. We won't be in a world where the players are spectators of the anims. This is exciting.

Now let me say what I think could go better if I may:

- The location of the PCs should be saved in the reboot. Every time you reboot, you end up in Neverwinter. I don't know if it's a choice or a technical constraint, but it's detrimental to the immersion. You're RPing in Fort Locke for example, the reboot comes and *bim* you're in Neverwinter. This could also be a problem if the reboot were to happen during a tense pvp situation. Players would have to reposition themselves in the same place if they want to be logical. This would cause RP consistency problems.

You should have the choice to reconnect to the point where you were on the map, or to a fixed spawn point (Neverwinter or other).

- The follow doesn't work well. I'm not talking about the DMFI problems, but the fact that it does not work well and consistantly in the same map. I believe you have chosen to make the Follow not work at map transitions. I understand the logic, but it should still work on a PC in a given map.

- Too many loots. In my experience it's better that loot is concentrated in chests than on monsters. Because it's not very funny to search all the creatures you just killed. It's a matter of taste, maybe some people like to do it. For me if the loots could be only on the bosses, and in the chests, it would be better than searching every killed monster.

Thanks for reading! :)
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Re: A feedback

Post by K.Kragh »

Thank you for the feedback :)
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Sean Maxhell
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Re: A feedback

Post by Sean Maxhell »

Agog_Fr wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 7:29 am
- The location of the PCs should be saved in the reboot. Every time you reboot, you end up in Neverwinter. I don't know if it's a choice or a technical constraint, but it's detrimental to the immersion. You're RPing in Fort Locke for example, the reboot comes and *bim* you're in Neverwinter. This could also be a problem if the reboot were to happen during a tense pvp situation. Players would have to reposition themselves in the same place if they want to be logical. This would cause RP consistency problems.

You should have the choice to reconnect to the point where you were on the map, or to a fixed spawn point (Neverwinter or other).

Furthermore, the emptiness of the other locations, the lack of merchants and things to do in the other non-hostile outposts, makes travel and exploration quite sad and inconsistent.