Class Changes

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Class Changes

Post by K.Kragh »

Class changes:

Removed classes:
- Black Guard (Instead we have added a base class called Dark Knight of Bane)
- Favorite Soul
- Doomguide

Class Changes:

Arcane Archer:
Can now be unlocked by players playing the Assassin or Warlock class as well.
Imbue Arrow is now on a 2 minute cooldown
Seeker Arrow is now on a 2 minute cooldown
Hail of Arrows is now on a 4 minute cooldown
Arrow of Death is now on a 5 minute cooldown.

Gains Spell Progression on level 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.

Arcane Trickster:
Dex 16
Character must be chaotic neutral or chaotic evil.
Class Features:
- Base Attack Bonus changed from low to medium
- Skill Points changed to 6 + Int Modifier
Level 3: Receives feat: Uncanny Dodge
Level 5: Receives feat: Skill Focus Sleight of Hand
Level 7: Receives feats: Skill Focus Bluff, Skill Focus Taunt
Level 9: Receives feat: Hide in Plain Sight
Removed feat: Impromptu Sneak Attack

16 Dexterity
Feats: Stealthy
Skills: Hide 5 ranks, Move Silently 5 ranks
Base Attack Bonus: 4
Level 1: Receives feat: Weapon Proficiency (Exotic)

Can pick Sense Motive

Name changed to Berserker
Character must be chaotic
Changes to Rage feats: Now gives between 2 and 10 regeneration depending on the level of rage feat. Epic Rage gives 10.
Level 9: Receives feat: Mobility
Level 12: Receives feat: Monkey Grip
Now gets Tumble as a class skill.
The Barbarian now gets double the amount of rages per day.
Frenzy Berserker & Ravager will progress Barbarian rages as long as the character has at least 4 levels in Barbarian

Cloud Mind fixed
Haven song fixed
Fascinate fixed
Song of freedom
Song of heroism
Song of Requiem fixed. Damage nerfed so that it equals your perform skill. Minimum damage is 1/3 of your perform but 10 if your perform is less than 30.Hymn of Requiem nerfed: Healing has been changed to half the perform skill.
Can pick Sense Motive

Can pick Sense Motive

Divine Champion:
Can no longer choose automatic quicken spell or other mage spells as a bonus feat.
Divine Wrath is now on 5 minute cooldown.
Can pick Heal, Sense Motive & Taunt

Alignment: Any non-lawful.
No longer gets death ward in its spell book.

Level 1: Gain feat: Improved Initiative
Level 2: Gain feat: Weapon Focus in one of the following weapons: dagger, handaxe, kama, kukri, light hammer, mace, rapier, short sword, sickle, whip and unarmed strike.
Level 3: Gain feat: Evasion
Level 4: Gain feat: Uncanny Dodge
Level 5: Gain feat: Improved Parry
Level 7: Gain feat: Greater Weapon Focus in one of the following weapons: dagger, handaxe, kama, kukri, light hammer, mace, rapier, short sword, sickle, whip and unarmed strike.
Level 8: Gain feat: Improved Evasion
Level 9: Gain feats: Melee Weapon Mastery Piercing
Level 10: Gain feats: Artist, D’Artagnan? Never heard of her.

D’Artagnan? Never heard of her.

This feat showcases the Duelist's mastery in parrying blows. For every 10 skill points invested in the Parry skill (including item bonuses and buffs), the Duelist gains 1 additional shield AC. It is effective only when wielding tiny, small weapons or rapier, and under the conditions of wearing only cloth armor, no shield, no dual-wielding, no unarmed attacks, and no ranged or thrown weapons.

Dwarven Defender:
Class name changed: Stalwart Defender
Changes to requirement:
Changed so that every race can play it
Can now be of any non-chaotic alignment
Now requires 16 Constitution
Level 5: Guarding the Lord
Level 10: Gain Feat: Skill Focus Taunt
Gets Taunt as a class skill

Eldritch Knight:
Hit Die raised from d6 to d10
High saves now both Fortitude and Will
Level 4: Power Attack
Level 8: Combat Expertise
Can pick Taunt

Can now pick Greater Weapon Specialization at level 10 instead of level 12.

Frenzied Berserker:
Now gets Tireless Rage on level 10
Frenzy Berserker & Ravager will progress Barbarian rages as long as the character has at least 4 levels in Barbarian

Hellfire Warlock:
Can pick Taunt

Invisible Blade:
Level 5: Receives feat: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting

Now has a High BAB instead of Medium
Perfect self: damage reduction of perfect self is increased to 20/magic like in NWN1. Furthermore we are attempting to make it scale so that it gives decreasing amounts of protection depending on the quality of the weapon striking them.
Wholeness of Body: Changed so that it heals a number of hit points equal to monk level * wisdom modifier. A level 10 monk with 16 wisdom will heal 30 HP. Is now on a 5 minute cooldown.
Empty Body is now on a 6 minute cooldown
Level 1: Gets Cleave like in NWN 1
Level 3: Receives feat: Uncanny Dodge
Level 8: Receives feat: Weapon Specialization Kama & Quarterstaff
Level 16: Receives feat: Greater Weapon Specialization Kama & Quarterstaff
Level 23: Receives feat: Epic Weapon Specialization Kama & Quarterstaff
Level 30: Receives feat: Epic Dodge
Can pick Sense Motive & Heal

Neverwinter Nine:
Can pick Taunt

Class Skill Added: Listen
Class Skill Added: Taunt
Class Skill Added: Sense Motive
Lay on Hands changed so that the Paladin can use 3 times per day, and is instantly activated
Gets Tower Shield Proficiency

Level 4: Free Weapon Focus Feat
Level 7: Receives the feat: Guarding the Lord
Level 8: Heavy Armor Optimization
Level 10: Divine Might
Level 12: Receives feat: Combat Expertise
Level 13: Great Charisma I
Level 14: Greater Heavy Armor Optimization
Level 17: Extra Turn Undead
Level 18: Divine Shield
Level 20: Shield Specialization, Great Charisma II, Skill Focus Taunt, Can pick a Greater Weapon Focus Feat
Level 23: Receives feat: Improved Combat Expertise
Level 27: Epic Damage Reduction I
Level 30: Gain Feat: Smite Infidel, Extra Smiting, Epic Skill Focus Taunt
New summon: Summon Valkyrie:
- level 5: Summon Valkyrie
- level 10: Summon Valkyrie 2
- level 15: Summon Valkyrie 3
- level 20: Summon Valkyrie 4
- level 25: Summon Valkyrie 5
- level 30: Summon Epic Valkyrie

Pale Master:
Character must be evil.
Feats required: Spell Focus Necromancy
Hit Die increased to d8
Fortitude Saves changed to Medium
Spell Progression changed:
The Pale Master gets spell progression on every level but level 4 and level 8.
DC of Pale Master’s touch attacks changed to: 10+PalemasterLevel+Attribute modifier(Int or Cha) + Spell Focus Necromancy feats.
New feat on level 10: Create Undead Horde:
The Palemaster summons a number of undead minions equal to his Intelligence modifier + Charisma modifier. The horde will protect the Palemaster by creating a wall of rotten flesh between them and their enemies.
New feat on level 3: Inflict Moderate Wounds
New feat on level 5: Inflict Serious wounds
New feat on level 7: Inflict Critical Wounds
New feat on level 9: Mass Inflict critical wounds
New feat in level 10: Harm
His Animate Dead Feat now costs no mana.
His Summon Undead feat now gets a free cast without spending Mana every 5 minutes.
His Summon Greater Undead feat now gets a free cast without spending Mana every 10 minutes.
Create Undead Horde Feat now gets a free cast without spending Mana every 60 minutes. If used more often than this, it costs 50 mana per cast.

Description: A ranger can use a variety of weapons and is quite capable in combat. His skills allow him to survive in the wilderness, to find his prey, and to avoid detection. He also has special knowledge about certain types of creatures, which makes it easier for him to find and defeat such foes. Finally, an experienced ranger has such a tie to nature that he can actually draw upon natural power to cast divine spells. The origin of these spells is not so much the power of his chosen god, as it is him drawing upon the intrinsic pulsating powers of life itself, as he finds it in the plants and animals around him.

Tumble, Sense Motive and Disable Device are now class skills

Feat Changes:
Hide in Plain Sight: Now works in all areas, regardless of whether or not they are indoors or outdoors.
Favoured Enemy: Now gives a Favoured Enemy on level 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30. This gives the Ranger 1 additional Favored Enemy up to level 20, and three extra during its epic levels for a total increase of +4 Favored Enemies. This brings a level 30 ranger up to 11 favoured enemies compared to 7, thereby enabling it to have a better balance between PvP and PvE power.
Feats added:
Level 3: Alertness
Level 5: Camouflage Expert: Gives +2 Hide. On level 25 the bonus is increased to +5.
Level 8: Skill Focus Survival
Level 10: Predator Steps: Gives +2 Move Silently. On level 27, the bonus is increased to +5.
Level 12: Spring Attack
Level 15: Hawk Eyes: Gives +2 Spot. On level 23 this bonus is increased to +5.
Level 19: Bat Senses: Gives +2 Listen. On level 29 this bonus is increased to +5.
Level 21: Epic Skill Focus Survival

Important Note: All animals are sorted under Animal and not Beast Subrace - so there is no reason to pick favoured enemy Beast!

Red Dragon Disciple:
Now gets Spell Progression on level 3, 5, 7 & 9.
Dragon Breath is now on 2 minute cooldown. It now damages 1d10 pr. Red Dragon Disciple level.
Can pick Taunt

Red Wizard:
Name changed to: Wizard of Forgotten Magic
- Race requirement changed: Every race can now play Red Wizard, instead of only humans.
- Feat required: Empower spell, instead of: one metamagic or item creation feat
Level 3: Spell Focus Evocation
Level 10: Receive feat: Improved Empower Spell

Can pick Sense Motive

Gain Feat: Swashbuckler dodge on level 5
Gains Skill Focus Open Lock on level 5
Gains Skill Focus Search on level 8
Gains Feat: Feint on level 10
Gains Skill Focus Disable Device on level 11
Gains Skill Focus Bluff on level 14
Gains Skill Focus Pickpocket on level 17
Gains Epic Skill Focus Open Lock on level 20
Gains Epic Skill Focus Search on level 22
Gains Epic Skill Focus Disable Device on level 24
Gains Epic Skill Focus Bluff on level 26
Gains Epic Skill Focus Pickpocket on level 28
Gains 2 extra Epic Feats on level 30

Sacred Fist:
Uncanny dodge moved to level 2.
Can pick Sense Motive

Shadow Dancer:
16 Dexterity
Level 1: Gain Feat: Stealthy
Level 3 1d6 sneak attack
Level 5: Hide in Plain Sight (Moved from level 1)
Level 6: Receives feat: +1d6 sneak attack
Level 7: Gain Feat: Skill Focus Hide
Level 9: Receives feat: +1d6 sneak attack
Level 10: Gain Feat: Skill Focus Move Silently
Shadow evade: duration is round/lvl
Shadow evade is now instantly activated and on a 2 minute cooldown.
Shadow Evade now gets 10% concealment on level 4, 20% on level 6, 30 % on level 8, 50% on level 10.
Summon Shadow now has a 5 minute cooldown.
Shadow Daze is now on a 2 minute cooldown

New feats:
Level 4: Spell Focus Evocation
Level 6: Spell Penetration
Level 8: Greater Spell Focus Evocation
Level 10: Empower Spell
Level 12: Greater Spell Penetration
Level 14: Improved Empower
Spell Level 17: Epic Spell Penetration (Requires that you log in and out after you take your level)
Level 20: Epic Spell Focus Evocation
- the Sorcerer will get 1 more spell per spell level compared to the Vanilla game - starting from his epic levels. At Caster Level 30, he will be gaining his 4th level 9 spell.
Can pick Spellcraft

Removed feats:
Enhanced Stormlord Weapons
Extended Storm Avatar
Spell Progression changed:
The Stormlord gets spell progression on every level but level 4 and level 8.
Stormlord now gets full base attack bonus
On level 3 he gains the feat: FFS we do not need another Norse God on this server
On level 6 he gains the feat: You’ve Been
On level 8 he gains the feat: Thunderstruck
On level 10 he gains the feat: By the Stormlord

FFS we do not need another Norse God on this server:
Hammer of Gods now gives another 1d10 electrical damage on every 6 caster level.

You’ve Been:
Call Lightning and Arch of Lightning now both have their maximum damage increased by 5d6.

Call Lightning now stun for 1 round at a dc equal to 10 + 1/5 Stormlord level + Wisdom Modifier if you fail a Fortitude Saving Throw.
Chain Lightning now stun for 1 round at a dc equal to 10 + 1/2 Stormlord level + Wisdom Modifier if you fail a Fortitude Saving Throw.
Call Lightning Storm has its maximum damage increased with 5d6.

By the Stormlord:
Storm of Vengeance now gives 10d6 electrical damage on a failed Reflex save.
Storm Avatar now applies 4d6 electrical damage to melee attacks and its duration is doubled.
Call Lightning Storm and Arch Lightning now stun for 1 round at a dc equal to 10 + 1/2 Stormlord level + Wisdom Modifier if you fail a Fortitude Saving Throw.

Level 1: Gain feat: Mind over body
Level 4: Gain feat: Uncanny Dodge
Level 12: Gain feat: Epic Precision
Level 13: Gain feat: Defensive Roll
Level 15: Gain feat: Skill focus Parry
Level 9: Gain feat: Weapon Specialization in one of the following weapons: dagger, handaxe, kama, kukri, light hammer, mace, rapier, short sword, sickle, whip and unarmed strike.
Level 16: Gain feat: Greater Weapon Specialization in one of the following weapons: dagger, handaxe, kama, kukri, light hammer, mace, rapier, short sword, sickle, whip and unarmed strike.
Level 20: Gain feat: Epic Skill Focus Parry

- Fiendish Resilience is now on a 10 minute cooldown.

Spell progression on lvl 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 & 10
Inflame is now on a 1 minute cooldown and is instantly activated
Remove Fear is now on a 1 minute cooldown. is now instantly activated
- Fear Aura is now on a 2 minute now instantly activated
Battletide is now on a 5 minute cooldown is now instantly activated
- Implacable Foe has been redesigned to give 50 extra hit points + 25 for each charisma modifier. Furthermore, it gives damage reduction equal to the Warpriest’s charisma bonus for the duration of the spell.The Duration is now 10 rounds + the Warpriest’s charisma modifier. It has a cooldown of 10 minutes. It no longer slows and it also applies to himself.

Weapon Master:
Level 8: The Weapon Master (+1 AB with weapon of choice)
Level 9: The Weapon Master improves (another +1 AB with weapon of choice)
Level 10: Epic Prowess, Overwhelming Critical with weapon of choice, Improved Whirlwind Attack
Can pick Tumble
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