Mana System

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Mana System

Post by K.Kragh »

The Rise of Neverwinter features a custom Mana system. In this thread we will document how it works so that players can plan their builds accordingly:

Mana Rework System

This is an overview of the Mana System:

Mana Costs:
LvL 0 Spells: 0 Mana
LvL 1 Spells: 2 Mana
LvL 2 Spells: 4 Mana
LvL 3 Spells: 8 Mana
LvL 4 Spells: 12 Mana
LvL 5 Spells: 16 Mana
LvL 6 Spells: 24 Mana
LvL 7 Spells: 32 Mana
LvL 8 Spells: 40 Mana
LvL 9 Spells: 50 Mana

Mana Regeneration:

Players can take the feat Glass-Half-Full as an epic feat on divine and arcane spell casting classes. This feat will increase the Base Mana Regeneration by 100%

Mana Regenerates every 20 minutes RL. Any Modifiers are applied to the Base Mana Regeneration and are additive, not cumulative. A Sorcerer with Glass-Half-Full feat will have a total of +150% Base Mana Regeneration - so 20 Regeneration becomes 50. A 20 Sorcerer / 10 Myrkr Wielder with this feat and a caster level of 34 would therefore regen 32 mana + 200% increase = 96 Mana per 20 minute tick, 288 Mana per hour.

Base Mana Regeneration:
< Caster level 10: 4 Points
< Caster level 20: 8 Points
< Caster level 24: 12 Points
< Caster level 28: 16 Points
< Caster level 30: 20 Points
< Caster level 31: 24 Points
< Caster level 34: 28 Points
< Caster level 36: 32 Points
< Caster level 38: 36 Points
< Caster level 40: 40 Points

Classes that modify the Base Mana Regeneration:

Sorcerer on level 5: +50%
Skjald on level 10: +50%
Priest on level 5: +25%
Druid on level 20: +50%
Myrkr Wielder on level 10: +50%

Mana Gain on Classes:

A Series of Feats will be introduced called Expand Mana Pool. The character can pick the feat up to 10 times, and each time they expand their Base Mana Pool by 10%. A character that has picked all 10 feats will therefore have doubled their Base Mana Pool.

If a Character has at least 5 levels of sorcerer in his build - his Mana Pool will be increased by 20% from his Base Mana Pool.

Base Classes:
Sorcerer: Base Mana Per level: (Clean class 1350 + 20% = 1620 )
Level 1-5: 20
Level 6-10: 30
Level 11-20: 50
Level 21-30: 60
Wizard & Priest: Base Mana Per level: (Clean class 1050)
Level 1-5: 10
Level 6-10: 20
Level 11-20: 40
Level 21-30: 50
Cleric & Druid: Base Mana Per level: (Clean class 840)
Level 1-5: 8
Level 6-10: 16
Level 11-20: 32
Level 21-30: 40
Bard: Base Mana Per level: (Clean class 365)
Level 1-5: 3
Level 6-10: 6
Level 11-20: 12
Level 21-30: 20
Ranger & Paladin: Base Mana Per level: (Clean class 190)
Level 1-5: 2
Level 6-10: 4
Level 11-20: 6
Level 21-30: 10

Prestige Classes:
- Myrkr Wielder: Mana Per level: 80
- Bane of the Undead, Skjald, Transmutation Expert, Flame Lord, Frost Master, Pale Master, Red Wizard & Arcane Scholar: Mana Per level: 40
- Stormlord, Warpriest, Red Dragon Disciple, Eldritch Knight, Arcane Trickster, Sacred Fist & Spirit Shaman : Mana Per level: 25
- Divine Champion: Mana Per level: 6

Caster Stat (Ability Score) bonuses to Mana:

Highest Caster Stat (highest modifier of Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma adds 5 points cumulative. Spellcasting Prodigy Feat counts as 1 extra modifier / 2 extra Caster Stat. This looks like the following:

Modifier 1: +5
Modifier 2: +10
Modifier 3: +15
Modifier 4: +20
Modifier 5: +25
Modifier 6: +30
Modifier 7: +35
Modifier 8: +40
Modifier 9: +45
Modifier 10: +50
Modifier 11: +55
Modifier 12: +60
Modifier 13: +65
Modifier 14: +70
Modifier 15: +75

A character with 30 Caster Stat will have a total of 275 extra mana.
A character with 40 Caster Stat will have a total of 600 extra mana.

The Sorcerer class gets a +20% modifier to his Caster Stat bonus to Mana. If he has 30 Charisma he would get a bonus of 330 instead of 275 extra Mana.

Lastly - we will introduce a Self Implode feat. This feat is given via an npc in the OOC room and requires at least 5 levels in Sorcerer or Wizard, Character Level 30 and a Mana Pool of at least 2000.

The effects of the feat is that the Self-Imploding character dies permanently - but in the process he releases an immense power of energy in a “huge” radius around him. All character’s caught within the radius must make a fortitude save dc 50 to resist the shockwave. If they fail their save they take 1000 damage. If they make their save they “only” take 500 damage. Anyone killed from the spell will be disintegrated and only a pile of ash will be left. It will therefore guarantee a loss of PvP life to anyone killed by it.

Extra Spell Slots:
Getting extra spell slots on items or via feats adds a +10 base mana for each feat.
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