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New Classes

Post by K.Kragh »


The blacksmith seeks to be a master of the art of working with metals. Most of the legendary blacksmiths are dwarves, but it is not unheard of that other races are inspired to go this way, and try to uncover the secrets of the most powerful metals, while also breaking the monopoly of the dwarves to craft weapons and armors of a quality worthy of the gods.

A character can take a maximum of 5 levels in this class.

Strength 16
Constitution 14
Craft Armor 15 Ranks
Craft Weapon 15 Ranks

Hit die : d8

Base attack bonus progression: High

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= High
Reflex = Low
Will = Low


Skill Points: 4+int modifier

Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Intimidate, Lore, Parry, Taunt

Level Features gained:
lvl 1: Gain Feats: Skill Focus Craft Weapon, Weapon Focus Light Hammer
lvl 2: Gain Feats: Skill Focus Craft Armor, Greater Weapon Focus Light Hammer, Weapon Specialization Light hammer.
lvl 3: Gain Feats: Reputation, Greater Weapon Specialization Light Hammer, Improved Critical Light Hammer
lvl 4: Gain Feats: Epic Weapon Focus Light Hammer, Power Critical Light Hammer
lvl 5: Gain Feats: Epic Smithing, Epic Skill Focus Craft Armor, Epic Skill Focus Craft Weapon, Epic Weapon Specialization Light Hammer.

At 3rd level, the Blacksmith gets a 10% discount from all merchants and an additional +2 bonus on all Bluff, Intimidate, and Diplomacy checks because of their reputation.

Epic Smithing:
The Blacksmith can now develop his smithing skills further than the normal character. Instead of having a maximum of level 400 in Armor and Weapon Smithing, the cap is now 500.


Dark Knight of Bane
The Dark Knights of Bane are feared and hated throughout Faerun. They are the servants of Bane, constantly working to increase his power, often serving and guarding the most ambitious and favoured Clerics of Bane. They are also tasked by Bane to strike down those of his Clerics that fail him or turn their backs on him. The Dark Knight of Bane is so dreaded and feared that other players do not need any reason to engage in PvP - so a character playing this class should be ready to fight at any time.

Alignment: Any Evil
Must be a worshipper of Bane

Hit die: d12

Base attack bonus progression : High

Saving Throws:
Fortitude/Will = High
Reflex = Low

Weapons: Simple, Martial & Exotic
Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy & Shields including Tower Shields.

Skill Points: 2+int modifier x4 at lvl 1

Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft armor, Craft weapon, Intimidate, Lore and Parry, Spot, Taunt.

Level Features Gained
1 Smite good , Use Poison
2 Dark Blessing, Reap Soul/ 3 uses per day
3 Aura of Courage, Divine health, Turn undead, Aura of Despair
4 Gain Feat: Weapon Focus Bastard Sword
5 Summon Undead
6 Gain Feat: Give disease & Sneak attack 1d6
7 Gain Feat: Guarding the Lord
8 Gain Feat: Skill Focus Intimidate
9 Gain Feat: Weapon Specialization Bastard Sword
10 Summon Undead 2, Divine Might
11 Gain Feat: Extra Smiting
12 Gain Feat: Feint, Sneak attack 2d6
13 Gain Feat: Great Charisma I
14 Gain Feat: Greater Weapon Focus Bastard Sword
15 Summon Undead 3
16 Gain Feat: Skill Focus Bluff, Melee Weapon Mastery Slashing
17 Gain Feat: Extra Turn Undead
18 Sneak attack 3d6, Divine Shield
19 Gain Feat: Greater Weapon Specialization Bastard Sword
20 Gain Feat: Great Charisma II, Summon Undead 4
21 Gain Feat: Epic Skill Focus Bluff
22 Gain Feat: Epic Weapon Focus Bastard Sword
23 Gain Feat: Great Smite I, Bonus Feat
24 Sneak attack 4d6
25 Summon Undead 5, Gain Feat: Weapon Supremacy
26 Gain Feat: Great Smite II, Bonus Feat
27 Gain Feat: Epic Weapon Specialization Bastard Sword
28 Gain Feat: Great Smite III
29 Bonus Feat
30 Gain Feat: Great Smite IV, Summon Epic Undead, Epic Prowess, 5d6 Sneak Attack

Smite good.

Once per day, a Dark Knight of Bane may attempt to smite good with one normal melee attack. They add their Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per Dark Knight of Bane level. If the Dark Knight of Bane attempts to smite a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

Dark Blessing

At 2nd level, a Dark Knight of Bane gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.

Reap Soul

On a melee touch attack the Dark Knight of Bane will try to reap someone’s soul, he will steal on a successful melee touch attack (Charisma modifier*Dark Knight of Bane level). So a level 6 with 18 charisma(4 modifier) (steals 4(cha)x6(level)negative and adds it to his own health.

Aura of courage

Beginning at 3rd level, a Dark Knight of Bane is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.

Divine health

At 3rd level, a Dark Knight of Bane gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases (such as mummy rot and lycanthropy)

Turn Undead

When a Dark Knight of Bane reaches 4th level, he gains the supernatural ability to turn undead. He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. He turns undead as a cleric of three levels lower would.

Give Disease

On a successful melee touch attack a Dark Knight of Bane can give their enemies a disease, this disease weakens their enemy with -6 Strength. The target gets to do a fortitude save to resist the disease. The DC is 10 + 1/2 Dark Knight of Bane Levels + Charisma Modifier.

Summon undead

At level 5 the Dark Knight of Bane can summon an undead to fight with them. This undead increases in power as the Dark Knight of Bane progresses.

The Manifestation of Bane

At level 8, the Dark Knight of Bane is even more terrifying to his surroundings. At level 13, this manifests itself as a permanent increase in the knight’s Charisma. On level 16, the Dark Knight of Bane is so terrifying, that it becomes harder for other characters to tell when he is bluffing. At level 20, he is a master manipulator, and his Charisma is permanently increased. On level 21 he is even harder to read and he gains Epic Skill Focus Bluff.


OBS! Once you have taken a level in this class, you can no longer equip Medium Armors, Heavy Armors or Shields.

Contrary to the more versatile cleric the priest focuses entirely on the spiritual aspect of the faith. Because of this focus his ability to do physical combat is greatly reduced while his spellcasting abilities are enhanced. The priest is expected to promote and spread his god’s faith and make sure that his word is heard and remembered, so only charismatic people are eligible to become this class. Because of their lack of ability in a fight, the priest is expected to stay behind the frontline in combat and heal the soldiers.

Charisma 13
This class cannot be multiclassed with the Cleric class.

Hit die : d6

Base attack bonus progression: Low

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= High
Reflex = Low
Will = High

Proficiencies :
Weapons: Wizard
Armor: Light

Skill Points: 4+int modifier

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Diplomacy, Heal, Lore, Parry, Sense Motive, Spellcraft.

This class gets domains and Turn Undead like the Cleric.

Level Features gained:
1 Gain Feat: Skill Focus Concentration
3 Gain Feat: Combat Casting
5 Gain Feat: Healer
6 Gain Feat: Spell Focus Evocation
8 Gain Feat: Extend Spell
9 Gain Feat: Skill Focus Heal
10 Gain Feat: Combat Healer
12 Gain Feat: Empower Spell
14 Gain Feat: Greater Spell Focus Evocation.
16 Gain Feat: Combat Priest
18 Gain Feat: Maximize Spell
20 Gain Feat: Greater Combat Healer
22 Gain Feat: Epic Skill Focus Concentration
24 Gain Feat: Experienced Combat Priest
25 Gain Feat: Divine Grace
26 Gain Feat: Legendary Combat Healer
28 Gain Feat: Epic Skill Focus Heal
30 Gain Feat: Epic Combat Healer

The priest gains Cure Moderate Wounds and Inflict Moderate Wounds as a feat with a 12 second cooldown.

Combat Healer:
The priest gains Cure Critical Wounds and Inflict Critical Wounds as a feat with a 18 second cooldown.

Combat Priest:
As a combat priest you are expected to support the soldiers real time during battles. You get the ability to use Raise Dead as a feat with a 1 minute cooldown.

Greater Combat Healer:
The priest gains Mass Cure Critical Wounds and Mass Inflict Critical Wounds as a feat with a 24 second cooldown.

Experienced Combat Priest:
As an experienced combat priest you are expected to support the soldiers real time during battles. You will now be able to use Resurrection instead of Raise Dead as a feat with a 1 minute cooldown.

Legendary Combat Healer:
The priest gains Heal and Harm as a feat with a 30 second cooldown. As a level 30 Priest - the Heal Maximum increases to 300.

Epic Combat Healer:
The priest gains Mass Heal as a feat with a 60 second cooldown. As a level 30 Priest - the Mass Heal Maximum increases to 300.


Northern Warrior
Northern Warriors are classic warriors of the north. They are agile and quick, and all have experience sailing. Because they have been trained to attack their targets quickly after their raiding ships reach the beach, they do not use heavy armor or tower shields, as these would slow them down too much, or risk pulling them under the water during a dangerous landing.

Alignment: Any
Character has to be male

Hit die : d10

Base attack bonus progression : High

Saving Throws :
Fortitude= High
Reflex = High
Will = Low

Proficiencies :
Weapons: Simple & Martial
Armor: Light, Medium, & Shields. (Except tower shields)

Skill Points : 4+int modifier x4 at lvl 1

Class Skills : Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Heal, Intimidate, Listen, Parry, Spot, Survival, Taunt, Tumble.

Level Features Gained
2 Gain Feat: Skill Focus Appraise
4 Gain Feat: Weapon Specialization: Battleaxe
6 Gain Feat: Hard to Kill
7 Gain Feat: Dash
8 Gain Feat: Weapon Focus Battleaxe
9 Gain Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike
10 Gain Feat: Weapon Specialization: Throwing Axe
11 Gain Feat: Weapon Focus Throwing Axe
12 Gain Feat: Shield Specialization
13 Gain Feat: Greater Weapon Specialization: Battleaxe
14 Gain Feat: Brutal Throw
15 Gain Feat: Greater Weapon Focus Battleaxe
16 Gain Feat: Toughness
17 Gain Feat: Greater Weapon Focus Throwing Axe
18 Gain Feat: Greater Weapon Specialization: Throwing Axe
20 Gain Feat: Uncanny Dodge
22 Gain Feat: Epic Weapon Focus Battleaxe
23 Gain Feat: Epic Weapon Specialization: Battleaxe
25 Gain Feat: Epic Weapon Focus Throwing Axe
26 Gain Feat: Epic Weapon Specialization: Throwing Axe
28 Gain Feat: Deflect Arrows
30 Gain Feat: Improved Initiative

Hard to Kill:
When not wearing heavy armor or tower shield, the northern warrior adds his constitution modifier to his armor class, the bonus can however not grant beyond his total levels of eligible classes. The eligible classes are: Northern Warrior, Barbarian/Berserker, Frenzied Berserker, Ravager & Stalward Defender.



Description: The scout’s main function was to stay ahead of the advancing army, and make sure that they didn’t maneuver themselves into a disadvantageous position before the battle with the opposing army. The scouts also reported back on the surrounding area and the options for foraging, which was necessary to sustain an army on the move for longer periods of time. They had natural talent for moving swiftly and with stealth.

Alignment: Any
15 Ranks in Listen
15 Ranks in Spot
10 Ranks in Hide
10 Ranks in Move Silently
5 Ranks in Survival
Feat: Alertness
Feat: Toughness

Hit die: d8

Base attack bonus progression: High

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= High
Reflex = High
Will = Low


Skill Points: 6+int modifier

Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft Trap, Heal, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Sense Motive, Survival, Spot, Tumble.

Level 1: Gain Feat: Stealthy, Dash
Level 2: Gain Feat: Skill Focus Listen, Track
Level 3: Gain Feat: Skill Focus Survival,
Level 4: Gain Feat: Skill Focus Spot, Woodland Stride
Level 5: Gain Feat: Epic Stealthy, Camouflage
Level 6: Gain Feat: Epic Skill Focus Listen,
Level 7: Gain Feat: Epic Skill Focus Survival, Fast Movement
Level 8: Gain Feat: Epic Skill Focus Spot, Swift Tracker,


Shieldmaidens are female warriors of the north. They are every bit as dangerous as the men, and are greatly respected by their counterparts. The Shieldmaiden makes great use of her enemies tendencies to underestimate or go easy on her because of her sex. After making her enemy hesitate, she will however quickly cut them down, and move on to the next kill.

Character must be a female
Alignment: Any

Hit die : d10

Base attack bonus progression : High

Saving Throws :
Fortitude= High
Reflex = High
Will = High

Proficiencies :
Weapons: Simple, Martial & Exotic
Armor: Light, Medium & Shields. (Except tower shields)

Skill Points : 6+int modifier x4 at lvl 1

Class Skills : Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Parry, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Taunt, Tumble.

Level Features Gained
1 Gain Feat: Resist Disease
2 Gain Feat: Skill Focus Appraise
3 Gain Feat: Dash
4 Gain Feat: Skill Focus Bluff, Skill Focus Tumble
5 Gain Sneak Attack 1d6
6 Gain Feat: Weapon Specialization: Longsword
7 Gain Feat: Skill Focus Sense Motive
8 Gain Feat: Toughness, Weapon Focus Longsword.
9 Gain Feat: Two-Weapon Fighting
10 Gain Feat: Iron Will, Dodge
11 Gain Feat: Feint, Gain Sneak Attack 1d6
12 Gain Feat: Great Fortitude
13 Gain Feat: Skill Focus Listen, Shield Specialization.
14 Gain Feat: Improved Initiative, Greater Weapon Focus Longsword.
15 Gain Feat: Greater Weapon Specialization: Longsword
16 Gain Sneak Attack 1d6
17 Gain Feat: Uncanny Dodge
18 Gain Feat: Alertness
19 Gain Feat: Negotiator
20 Gain Feat: Deflect Arrows
21 Gain Feat: Self Sufficient
22 Gain Feat: Spring Attack, Sneak Attack 1d6
23 Gain Feat: Epic Weapon Specialization: Longsword
24 Gain Feat: Evasion, Epic Weapon Focus Longsword.
25 Gain Feat: Epic Skill Focus Bluff
26 Gain Feat: Epic Toughness
27 Gain Sneak Attack 1d6
28 Gain Feat: Epic Skill Focus Sense Motive
29 Gain Feat: Improved Evasion
30 Gain Sneak Attack 1d6, Epic Resilience


Fury Striker

Description: The Fury Striker fights in a violent and offensive but controlled style. The Fury Striker is a master at dual-wielding weapons, and relies on a high number of attacks to overwhelm and destroy the enemy. Watching a Fury Striker fight is like seeing someone perform art.

NB: You can only take 7 levels of this class.

Alignment: Any
Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Improved Initiative
Parry skill: 8

Hit die : d4

Base attack bonus progression : High

Saving Throws :
Fortitude= Low
Reflex = High
Will = Low

Proficiencies :
Weapons: Simple, Martial & Exotic
Armor: Light, Medium

Skill Points : 2+int modifier

Class Skills: Bluff, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Intimidate, Parry, Perform, Taunt, Tumble.

Level Features gained:
1: Skill Focus Parry
2: Two-Weapon Defense
3: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
4: Improved Parry, Evasion.
5: Improved Two-Weapon Defense
6: Greater Two-Weapon Defense
7: Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Whirlwind Attack, Uncanny Dodge



The Skjald’s ambition is to master the power of sound. He seeks to reach into the fabric of the universe, and the powers that it hold, through the vibrations created by his voice. However, in order to accomplish this, the Skjald gives up valuable time that he could have spent training in melee combat.

Song of Heroism
Skill Focus Perform

Hit die : d4

The Skjald gets spell progression at the same rate as the Bard and full song progression.

Base attack bonus progression: Low

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= Low
Reflex = High
Will = High


Skill Points: 8+int modifier

Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Parry, Perform, Sleight of Hand, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Taunt, Tumble and Use Magic Device.

Level Features gained:
lvl 1: Extra Slot (Bard - Level 0)
lvl 2: Extra Slot (Bard - Level 1)
lvl 3: Extra Slot (Bard - Level 2)
lvl 4: Perform Mastery, Nordic Courage.
lvl 5: Extra Slot (Bard - Level 3), Skill Focus Taunt.
lvl 6: Great Charisma 1
lvl 7: Extra Slot (Bard - Level 4), Bersaerkergang.
lvl 8: Extra Slot (Bard - Level 5)
lvl 9: Great Charisma 2
lvl 10: Epic Skill Focus Perform, Song of Forceful Dance, Practiced Spellcaster Bard, Courage of Idasletten.

Perform Mastery: This feat grants +3 to the perform skill.

Nordic Courage: The Skjald’s Inspire Courage is even more powerful than the standard Bard’s. It gets +1 to ab and damage.

Bersaerkergang: The Skjald can induce a deep primal rage that makes his party untouchable. The Bersaerkergang is instantly activated and gives the party Attack bonus and Magical Damage bonus equal to half of the Skjald's Charisma modifier, and 25% Damage Reduction against Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeoning damage. Bersaerkergang lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Charisma Bonus of the Skjald, and has a 2 minute cooldown.

Song of Forceful Dance: The Skjald starts singing a loud and powerful song that speaks to the primal roots of any living creature. Any hostile enemy standing in the vicinity of the Skjald must make a Will save. If the save is failed, they will be forced to dance for three rounds, or until they take damage. This costs a use of bardic music.
(Perform+Charisma modifier+Skjald Levels/2 = DC). Forceful dance has a 2 minute cooldown.

Courage of Idasletten: Your Inspire Courage now reflects the skills and abilities of the northern warriors training daily at the Idaslette in Valhal. The damage gained from the inspiration is now magical.


The Valkyrie is not actually a Valkyrie yet, but a female who is especially favoured by Tyr and might later become one. Tyr selects promising young northern women and watches them train and prepare for being granted everlasting life and becoming a real Valkyrie. He selects his Valkyries from women that are still young and beautiful, which explains why it is not unheard of that Valkyries mate with mortal men and produce offspring.

(Players that dedicate themselves to playing this class while being outstanding role players, can potentially get the opportunity through DM events to become a real Valkyrie, which will change their race as well.)

Must worship Tyr
Must be a female

Hit die : d8

Base attack bonus progression: Medium

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= High
Reflex = High
Will = High

Proficiencies :
Weapons: Simple
Armor: Light, Medium, & Shields. (Except Tower Shields)

Skill Points: 6+int modifier

Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Heal, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Parry, Search, Sense Motive, Set Trap, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Taunt, Use Magic Device.

Level Features gained:
1 Gain Feat: Skill Focus Intimidate
3 Gain Feat: Trapfinding
4 Gain Feat: Gungner's Precision
5 Gain Feat: Evasion
6 Gain Feat: Weapon Focus Spear
7 Gain Feat: Skill Focus Taunt
8 Gain Feat: Dodge
9 Gain Feat: Monkey Grip
10 Gain Feat: Uncanny Dodge
11 Gain Feat: Favor a future legend
12 Gain Feat: Mobility
13 Gain Feat: Slippery Mind
14Gain Feat: Spell Resistance (Drow Feat) & Diamond Soul (Monk Feat).
15 Gain Feat: A future Einherjer? Gain Feat: Aura of Courage.
16 Gain Feat: Improved Evasion, Greater Weapon Focus Spear
17 Gain Feat: Spring Attack
18 Gain Feat: Create a legend
19 Gain Feat: Deflect Arrows
20 Gain feat: Divine Grace
21 Gain Feat: Epic Skill Focus Taunt, Improved Spell Resistance I
22 Gains Feat: Improved Spell Resistance II
23 Gain Feat: Improved Spell Resistance III
24 Gains Feat: Improved Spell Resistance IV
25 Gains Feat: Improved Spell Resistance V, The Gift of Valhal
26 Gains Feat: Improved Spell Resistance VI, Epic Weapon Focus Spear
27 Gain Feat: Favored of the Spirits, Improved Spell Resistance VII
28 Gains Feat: Improved Spell Resistance VIII
29 Gains Feat: Improved Spell Resistance IX
30 The Valkyrie gets huge white wings, giving her more mobility which manifests itself in a +4 bonus to dexterity and +2 to reflex saves and +10% Movement Speed. Gains Feat: Improved Spell Resistance X & Epic Deflection, Armed Deflection.

Gungner’s Precision:
Starting from level 4, the Valkyrie is inspired by Odin to cast a spear that cannot miss. Once per Round, the Valkyrie can summon a divine javelin and throw it at her target.
The attack is a ranged touch attack. The damage is 1d8 + 1d8 for every 3 Valkyrie levels. A level 30 Valkyrie hits for 11d8 divine damage.

Favor a future legend:
The Valkyrie favors a future legend. When the Valkyrie uses this ability on a character, that character instantly gains temporary hit points equal to the Valkyries level times her charisma modifier. A level 11 Valkyrie with 16 Charisma will therefore instantly give the target character 33 temporary hitpoints. This effect will last for two minutes.

Favor a future legend has a cooldown of 2 minutes.

A future Einherjer?:
Using this ability, the Valkyrie can return a dead character to life as with the Resurrection spell. When a Valkyrie uses this ability, she has marked the raised character as a future candidate for becoming an Einherjer, one of the chosen warriors that will join the Aesir gods in Valhal, the hall of the fallen, and fight with them when Ragnarok comes.

A future Einherjer? has a cooldown of 60 seconds.

Create a legend:
The Valkyrie aims to create a legend that will go over in history and later join Odin as one of his Einherjer. Using this ability will instantly give the target character +12 Strength, +12 Dexterity, +12 Constitution, +12 Shield AC (+8 if the target is carrying a Shield), Haste, Immunity to Fear, Freedom of Movement, Immunity to Mind Effects & Immunity to Death Effects. The effect lasts for 1 round per 3 Valkyrie levels times the Charisma Modifier. A level 30 Valkyrie with 30 charisma will be able to grant a character this buff for 100 rounds (10 minutes).

Create a legend has a cooldown of 15 minutes.

The Gift of Valhal:
The Valkyrie becomes able to draw upon the power of Valhal, and use its regenerative powers that ensures that the Einherjar starts every day healed and ready to fight again, before they feast and drink all night.
The Valkyrie focuses this power on one worthy recipient and links the energy, healing the target every 3 seconds for 1 hitpoint for every charisma modifier she has. Once the Valkyrie reaches level 30 her destiny is so powerfully linked to her target that she heals for the same amount every 6 seconds.
This ability lasts for 1 round per charisma bonus and has a 2 minute cooldown.

Favored of the Spirits
you gain a contingency effect that activates a Heal if your hit-points or ability score drop to 0. The effect can only be activated once per day. This ability works against instant death spells which inflict damage, such as Weird, Vampiric Feast, etc.

Flight of the Valkyries:
Once the Valkyrie grows wings, it becomes able to fly rapidly over short distances, allowing it to relocate itself defensively or offensively. After taking flight, the Valkyrie is too exhausted to perform the flight again, and the ability goes on a 1 minute cooldown.

Flame Lord:

The Flame Lord has dedicated his expertise towards mastering as well as improving the potent firespells. He is often misunderstood and feared by commoners that think him a dangerous chaotic troublemaker. This is obviously best explained by referencing the amount of shallow minded simpletons wandering this realm. Sure, a village or two might have been accidentally burned down by flames that cannot be extinguished - but in the grand scheme of things, what is a couple less villages?

Must be able to cast level 5 Arcane Spells
Spell Focus Evocation
Spell Focus Conjuration
Greater Spell Focus Evocation
Greater Spell Focus Conjuration
Have not taken any levels in the Frost Master Class.

The class has full spellcasting progression.

Hit die : d4

Base attack bonus progression: Low

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= Low
Reflex = High
Will = High

Proficiencies :

Skill Points: 2+int modifier

Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Lore, Spellcraft.

Level Features gained:
1 Gain Feat: Energy Resistance Fire
2 Gain Feat: Firebolt or Fireblast?
3 Gain Feat: Fireblades!
4 Gain Feat: Frost Orbs? So easy to melt!
5 Gain Feat: Epic Energy Resistance Fire I
6 Gain Feat: Baby it's cold outside, but if you stay I will keep you warm
7 Gain Feat: You Shall Not Pass!
8 Gain Feat: Flame Sniping
9 Gain Feat: Personal Space
10 Gain Feat: Epic Energy Resistance Fire II, Surely the planet cannot actually be destroyed by Meteors?

Firebolt or Fireblast?
Your Firebolt now gives off a real blast. Its damage is increased to 5d4+5

The Flame Lords Blades of Fire spell is greatly improved. The power of the fire is so potent that it gives an extra 1d8 fire damage for a total of 2d8.

Frost Orbs? So easy to melt!
The arcane Orb spells are essential for any mage needing to punch through enemies defended by spell resistance. The Flame Lord has mastered the use of Orbs of Fire and made them especially deadly. The Lesser Orb of Fire now does an additional 2d8 damage, while the damage of the Orb of Fire is increased by 5d6.

Baby it's cold outside, but if you stay I will keep you warm
No one touched by the Flame Lord will ever freeze again. Any enemy that fails their reflex save when hit by the Fireball, Fireburst or Greater Fireburst spell will also be set on fire and take an extra 1d6 damage +1 for every 4 caster levels pr. round until their reflex saving throw is successful. His Combust spell gets +1 damage for every 3 caster levels pr. round. Shroud of Flame is further improved and now gives 5d6 damage both initially and during subsequent rounds if the target creature fails its reflex saves. The damage to those close to the unfortunate victim of this spell now receives 3d6 damage.

You Shall Not Pass!
The Flame Lords Wall of Fire becomes the envy of even the most powerful fire demons. In addition to increasing the initial damage to 6d6 the max caster level cap is increased to 35.

Flame Sniping
Practicing your sniping skills with fire arrows is not only fun, it is also practical. The trick to scoring a critical hit is to do a headshot, and if that does not work, they can always take an arrow in the knee… The Flame Lord’s Flame Arrow now gives 5d6+4 in damage. His Firebrand can now give a maximum of 25d6 in damage.

Personal Space
So many people are challenged when it comes to respecting personal space. Luckily this is a problem fixed by a bit of improved zone control. The Flame Lord’s Delayed Blast Fireball now slows anyone that fails his reflex save for 2 rounds . His Incendiary Cloud now deals 10d6 damage pr. round and also slows any creature caught inside its area of effect regardless of whether or not they make their reflex save.

Surely the planet cannot actually be destroyed just because I attract a few giant Meteors?
If you haven’t migrated to the dwarven cities deep in the mountains maybe now is the time. The Flame Lords Meteor Swarms are absolutely lethal:
Aerial Attack now: 35d6, 20d6 and 15d6. Also knocks down targets unless they succeed a Reflex save dc 15.
Single target: 50d6. Also knocks down the target unless he succeeds a Reflex save dc 20.
Centered on Caster: 20d6. Also knocks down targets unless they succeed a Reflex save dc 15.


Frost Master:

The Frost Master has devoted his life to understanding the nature and power of the cold elements of the far north. The north is a cold place, and the Frost Master understands that in order to survive and thrive in such a place, it is necessary to control and master the cold.

Must be able to cast level 5 Arcane Spells
Spell Focus Evocation
Spell Focus Conjuration
Greater Spell Focus Evocation
Greater Spell Focus Conjuration
Have not taken any levels in the Flame Lord Class.

The class has full spellcasting progression.

Hit die : d4

Base attack bonus progression: Low

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= High
Reflex = Low
Will = High

Proficiencies :

Skill Points: 2+int modifier

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Intimidate, Lore, Spellcraft.

Level Features gained:
1 Gain Feat: Energy Resistance Cold.
2 Gain Feat: A real Ray of Frost
3 Gain Feat: Weapon Focus Ranged Touch Attack
4 Gain Feat: A Master of Frost Orbs
5 Gain Feat: Epic Energy Resistance Cold I.
6 Gain Feat: Mastering Frost Storms
7 Gain Feat: Cone Master
8 Gain Feat: Improved Critical Ranged Touch Attack
9 Gain Feat: Ultimate Polar Ray
10 Gain Feat: Epic Energy Resistance Cold II. Gain Spell Like Ability: Inflict Frozen Blood. Gain Feat: Merciless Glacial Wrath

A real Ray of Frost:
The Frost Master masters the element of ice enough to actually turn the useless Ray of Frost into something usable. When the Frost Master uses Ray of Frost, the spell does 5d4+5 in damage instead of 1d4+1.

A Master of Frost Orbs:
The arcane Orb spells are essential for any mage needing to punch through enemies defended by spell resistance. The Frost Master has mastered the use of Orbs of Cold and made them especially deadly. The Lesser Orb of Cold now does an additional 2d8 damage, while the damage of the Orb of Cold is increased by 5d6.

Mastering Frost Storms:
The Frost Master is able to turn the Ice Storm into a real Frost Storm. The coldness of the Ice Storm spell is now so deadly that anyone caught inside the area of effect takes an extra 5d6 of cold damage.

Cone Master:
The Frost Master’s Cone of Cold has been altered to become even colder, hindering the maneuverability of the creatures caught inside of it. Anyone caught inside of the cone must make a fortitude save. A failed save will inflict three rounds of slow on the target. A successful save will only inflict one round of slow.

Ultimate Polar Ray:
The Frost Master has increased the force of the Polar Ray so much that the target creature must now, in addition to the damage taken, succeed a fortitude save (DC+5) or be stunned for one round.

Merciless Glacial Wrath:
The Frost Master’s ice is so much more potent than the ice of a normal mage. Burst of Glacial Wrath now encases the target in ice if it is reduced to 75 hit points or less.

Inflict Frozen Blood:
The Frost Master attempts to freeze the blood of a single target. The target must make a fortitude save against a dc of 10 + Frost Master Class + Spell Focus Conjuration feats + Int/Charisma Modifier. If the target fails his save, his blood is frozen and he cannot move and takes 10d6 cold damage. This will happen every round until the target either succeeds his save or dies.
This ability can be used once per rest.



The Merchant aims to become rich by buying items for less, and selling items for more. His superior business network enables him to make the better deal, and even have access to higher quality items that only he can buy. These items can then be sold to those less fortunate for a nice fat profit. Afterall, a mansion and a life lived in luxury is not cheap.

Appraise: 9
Lore: 5
Diplomacy: 5
Bluff: 3
Base Attack Bonus: 11 (This was the only way we could ensure that players won’t be able to pick this class too early)

Hit die : d6

Base attack bonus progression: Low

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= Low
Reflex = Low
Will = High

Proficiencies :

Skill Points: 6+int modifier

Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Listen, Lore, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot

Level Features gained:
1: Gain Feat: Skill Focus Appraise, Skill Focus Sense Motive
2: Gain Feat: Skill Focus Diplomacy. Gain Feat: Improved Negotiation (Doesn't stack with the feat the cleric gets with the trade domain, nor the feat that the Smiðr gets on level 3)
3: Gain Feat: Skill Focus Bluff
4: Gain Feat: Skill Focus Lore. Gain Feat: Legendary Negotiator
5: Gain Feats: Special Business Connections, Epic Skill Focus Sense Motive, Epic Skill Focus Appraise, Epic Skill Focus, Bluff, Epic Skill Focus Diplomacy, Epic Skill Focus Lore.

Improved Negotiation:
The Merchant is able to buy and sell items at a 10 percent better price.

Legendary Negotiator:
The Merchant becomes even more adept negotiating a favourable price. His prices become 10 percent better. This bonus stacks with Improved Negotiation for a total of 20 percent better prices.

Special Business Connections:
The Merchant’s business network is so good that he gets access to an exclusive shop selling +2 items. as well as unique specialist items. Furthermore, at this shop the Merchant will be able to sell items for even more gold than at the other public shops.


Ørlǫg Weaver:

The Ørlǫg Weavers attempts to influence the strings of destiny which is being woven by the Norns. As such, they are highly regarded, but also feared, in the norse lands. The exact connection between the Ørlǫg Weavers, the Norns and the Valkyries are unknown, but learned people knows that there is some connection. For instance, they are almost all female and have the power to meddle in the affairs of the gods, or at the very least act on their behalf. Ørlǫg Weavers are commonly featured in the tales of the legendary kings of the past, often as lovers or close allies to the most successful kings. Considering the Ørlǫg Weaver’s ability to affect the outcome of battles, this is hardly surprising. The Ørlǫg Weavers are generally considered to be wise, intelligent and dangerously charismatic. Some men, historically it was often vassal lords, have sceptical attitudes towards Ørlǫg Weavers, as they, perhaps rightly, fear that their lord will be seduced by one, and indirectly let her rule through him (or at the very least will be heavily influenced by her). It is thought that they have entered Faerun during a ceremony in which Tyr opened a rift between the worlds in an attempt to communicate with his Aesir brethren.

NB: If you want to play this class as a male: Almost all Ørlǫg Weavers are female. Players that want to play this class as a male character, must therefore think up a believable reason for why the character chose this very unorthodox way of life for a male. In addition, while some female characters might find males playing this class attractive, northern men will generally look down at them and rightly believe them to be weak and useless warriors in battle. Homosexual characters that are into men with more feminine qualities, might however think differently.

Base Strength cannot be higher than 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14
Cannot be of lawful alignment, due to the Ørlǫg Weaver meddling with destiny.

Hit die : d4

Base attack bonus progression: Low

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= Low
Reflex = Low
Will = High

Weapon Proficiency (Wizard).

Skill Points: 4+int modifier

Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival & Tumble.

Level Features gained:
1: Strengthen the Spirit I, Turn Undead
2: Reinforce Life Essence I, Divine Grace
3: Self-Preservation I
4: Divine Weaving
5: Strengthen the String of Destiny I
6: AC Bonus +1
7: Spell Shield I
8: Reinforce Life Essence II
9: Element Resistance I
10: Strengthen the String of Destiny II
11: AC Bonus +2
12: Self-Preservation II
13: Strengthen the Spirit II
14: Reinforce Life Essence III
15: Strengthen the String of Destiny III
16: AC Bonus +3
17: Spell Shield II
18: Reinforce Life Essence IV
19: Element Resistance II
20: Strengthen the String of Destiny IV
21: Self-Preservation III, AC Bonus +4
22: Reinforce Life Essence V
23: Strengthen the Spirit III
24: Reweave the broken string of Destiny
25: Strengthen the String of Destiny V
26: AC Bonus +5
27: Spell Shield III
28: Reinforce Life Essence VI
29: Element Resistance III
30: Strengthen the String of Destiny VI AC Bonus +6

AC Bonus:
When the Ørlǫg Weaver is not carrying armor or wearing a shield, she will gain a bonus AC just like the Monk.

Divine Weaving:
Divine Weaving: You use your divine senses to weave in a different destiny to your target. You do an unknown number of Divine damage, and if fate treats you well, the damage will be multiplied by an unknown amount (quite catastrophic amounts of damage can happen if you are lucky). The chance of fate treating you well increases with more Ørlog Weaver levels.

Reinforce Life Essence:
This ability is activated instantly, but cannot be used on the Ørlǫg Weaver herself. The Ørlǫg Weaver reinforces the life essence of the target by giving the target a momentarily damage reduction that lasts for nine seconds or until it cannot soak more damage. The cooldown is dependent on the level of the Ørlǫg Weaver.

This feat is granted at level 2 and improves on level 8, 14, 18, 22, 28

Level I:
Damage Reduction 20/+3 until it has soaked 40 damage or duration expires.
Cooldown is 36 seconds.

Level II:
Damage Reduction 25/+3 until it has soaked 50 damage or duration expires.
Cooldown is 30 seconds.

Level III
Damage Reduction 30/+5 until it has soaked 60 damage or duration expires.
Cooldown is 24 seconds.

Level IV
Damage Reduction 40/Mithril until it has soaked 80 damage or duration expires.
Cooldown is 18 seconds.

Level V:
Damage Reduction 50/Mithril until it has soaked 100 damage or duration expires.
Cooldown is 12 seconds.

Level VI:
Damage Reduction 60/Mithril until it has soaked 120 damage or duration expires.
Cooldown is 6 seconds.

Strengthen the Spirit:
This ability is activated instantly, but cannot be used on the Ørlǫg Weaver herself. After being activated, it will last a number of rounds equal to 1 + Charisma Modifier. This ability has a cooldown of 60 seconds, and gives the Ørlǫg Weaver’s target the following effects:

This feat is granted at level 3 and improves on level 12 and 21

Level I:
+6 to all Saves

Level II:
+9 to all Saves

Level III:
+ 12 to all Saves

The Ørlǫg Weaver can only cast Self-Preservation on herself. This ability is activated instantly. After being activated, it will last a number of rounds equal to 1 + Charisma Modifier. This ability has a cooldown of 120 seconds, and gives the the Ørlǫg Weaver the following effects:

This feat is granted at level 1 and improves on level 13 and 23

Level I:
Death Armor
Ghostly Visage
Mage Armor
2 Regeneration

Level II:

Death Armor
Ethereal Visage
False Life
Improved Mage Armor
Least Spell Mantle
Lesser Mind Blank
Freedom of Movement
See Invisibility
5 Regeneration
Lesser Restoration

Level III:

Ethereal Visage
Death Ward
Elemental Shield
False Life
Freedom of Movement
Improved Mage Armor
Lesser Mind Blank
Lesser Spell Mantle
True Seeing
10 Regeneration (5 Twice pr. Round)
Remove Curse

Strengthen the String of Destiny:
This ability is activated instantly, but cannot be used on the Ørlǫg Weaver herself. After being activated, it will last a number of rounds equal to 1 + Wisdom Modifier. This ability has a cooldown of 45 seconds, and gives the target of the ability the following effects:
The weaver casts the healing spells as if they were empowered and at maximum caster level.

Level I:
Damage Reduction 5/+1
Cure Minor Wounds

Level II:
Damage Reduction 5/Adamantine
Concealment 10%
Cure Light Wounds

Level III:
Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine
Concealment 15%
+4 Strength
+4 Charisma
Cure Moderate Wounds

Level IV:
Damage Reduction 15/Adamantine
Concealment 20%
+6 Strength
+6 Charisma
Cure Serious Wounds

Level V:
Damage Reduction 20/Adamantine
Concealment 30%
+8 Strength
+8 Charisma
Cure Critical Wounds

Level VI:
Damage Reduction 20/-
Concealment 40%
+10 Strength
+10 Charisma

Spell Shield:
This ability is activated instantly, but cannot be used on the Ørlǫg Weaver herself. After being activated, it will last a number of rounds equal to 1 + Intelligence Modifier. This ability has a cooldown of 60 seconds, and gives the target of the ability the following effects:

This feat is granted at level 7 and improves on level 17 and 27

Level I:
Least Spell Mantle

Level II:
Spell Mantle

Level III:
Greater Spell Mantle

Element Resistance:
This ability is activated instantly. After being activated, it will last a number of rounds equal to 1 + Wisdom Modifier. This ability has a cooldown of 12 seconds, and gives the target of the ability the following effects:

Level I:
Resist Energy

Level II:
Protection from Energy

Level III:
Energy Immunity

Reweave the broken string of Destiny:
The Ørlog Weaver mends a broken strong of Destiny and is now able to revive the dead. This works as a resurrection spell on a 60 second cooldown.

Cut the woven string of destiny:
The Ørlog Weaver attempts to cut the string of destiny from the target character. As a result, the target character is left vulnerable and at a disadvantage in battle.
While under the effect, the target character gets -4 Strength, -4 Dexterity, -4 Constitution, -4 Wisdom, -4 Intelligence, -4 Charisma, -2 AC, -2 AB, and -2 Damage. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Ørlog Weavers intelligence modifier.
The target character has a chance to resist this ability with a Will save against the dc 15 + Ørlog Weaver Level + Intelligence modifier. Against a level 30 Ørlog Weaver with 20 intelligence the DC will be 50.

Cut the woven string of destiny has a cooldown of 5 minutes.

Bane of the Undead

The Bane of the Undead seeks to destroy undeads. This is most often for personal or ideological reasons. The most common candidates for the Bane of the Undead is clerics that wants to specialise themselves in battles against the undead. While one would think that most Banes of the Undead would be of good alignment, it is actually not uncommon that evil clerics go for this road as well, especially if they want to try and control powerful undead. In the case that things goes wrong, going the road of the Bane of the Undead is a very nice insurance policy against an early death.

Extra Turning
Great Fortitude
Level 3 divine spellcaster
Lore: 4

Hit die : d8

Base attack bonus progression: Medium

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= Low
Reflex = Low
Will = High


Skill Points: 2+int modifier

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Lore, Sense Motive & Spellcraft.

Spells Per Day: At each Bane of the Undead level, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class to which he belonged before adding the prestige class level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Level Features gained:
1: Gain Feat: Kelemvor’s Boon, Gain feat: Improved Turning
3: Gain Feat: Extra Turning II
4: Save Bonus I
5: Gain Feat: Blind Fight
6: Gain Feat: Divine Vengeance
8: Save Bonus II, Gain feat: Ethereal Purge
10: Gain Feat: Epic Fortitude, Gain Feat: Empower Turning, Gain Feat: Extra Turning III

Special Turn Progression:
Bane of the Undead levels are added to cleric levels for the purpose of turning or destroying undead, both for the initial turning check and the turning damage roll. These levels will count double. A level 10 Cleric and 5 Bane of the Undead will therefore be as good at turning as a level 20 Cleric!

Save Bonus:
On the fourth level, the Bane of the Undead gets +4 to saving throws against death effects and on saves to overcome a negative level. On Level 8th the Bane of the Undead always makes the save to overcome a negative level.

Ethereal Purge:
As the normal ability. The Bane of the Undead will surround himself with a sphere of power with a radius of 5 feet per class level that forces all concealed creatures in the area to manifest on or shift themselves to the Material Plane as appropriate. The creatures will attempt a will save against DC 10 + ½ of the Bane of the Undead’s class levels + Wisdom bonus. If they fail their save, they will lose their concealment.



The Ravager seeks to destroy his enemies by wreaking havoc on them and destroying them by brute force as quickly as possible. To do this, he wields a two-handed weapon with which he can use all his strength to break through the defenses of his enemy. While not using a shield was uncommon in the norse countries, some warriors are known to make up for the lack of defense by sheer brutality. The Ravager is such a warrior. Instead of a normal defense, he relies on a combination of his natural strength and toughness.

19 Strength
15 Constitution
Weapon Focus in one of the large weapons (Falchion, Greataxe, Greatsword, Halberd, Quarterstaff, Scythe, Spear, Warmace)
Power Attack
Base Attack Bonus: 9

Hit die : d12

Base attack bonus progression: High

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= High
Reflex = Low
Will = Low

Light Armor

Skill Points: 2+int modifier

Class Skills: Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Intimidate, Parry, Perform, Taunt & Tumble.

Level Features gained:
1: Gain Feat: Toughness
2: Gain Feat: Resist Disease, Brutal Attack I
3: Gain Feat: Improved Initiative
4: Brutal Attack II
5: Gain Feat: Resist Poison, Gain Feat: Epic Toughness I
6: Brutal Attack III
7: Gain Feat: Improved Knockdown
8: Brutal Attack IV
9: Gain Feat: Great Fortitude, Gain Feat: Unrelenting Blows
10: Brutal Attack V, Gain Feat: Epic Toughness II

Brutal Attack:
While wielding a large weapon in both hands, the Ravager attacks his enemy with brutal attacks increasing his damage. This damage is lost if the Ravager uses Monkey Grip.

Level 1:
+2 damage
Level 2:
+4 damage
Level 3:
+6 damage
Level 4:
+8 damage
Level 5:
+10 damage

Unrelenting Blows:
When wearing a light armor, the Ravager uses his constitution to keep up a constant barrage of hard blows against his enemy. The Ravager now adds his constitution modifier to his damage rolls.

Frenzy Berserker & Ravager will progress Barbarian rages as long as the character has at least 4 levels in Barbarian


Myrkr Wielder

It is not entirely clear where the powers that the Myrkr Wielder draws upon comes from. It’s rumoured though, that the Myrkr Wielder imbues some of his spells with the fabric of another universe. By drawing upon the power of the Myrkr, the story goes, he changes the arcane laws originating from this universe. According to legend, the Myrkr corrupts the mind of those that wields its powers. People without a strong will that have dabbled with the Myrkr, have been known to either go insane, or disappear without a trace.

RP Note:
All the gods hate the Myrkr, every single one.

The Myrkr is generally shrouded in mystery, and all that is known about it, comes from legends and folktales. The only way to gain more knowledge about the Myrkr, is by playing your character ingame.

Able to cast 6th-level arcane spells
Blind Fight
Iron Will
Character must be either Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil

The class has full spellcasting progression.

Hit die : d8

Base attack bonus progression: High

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= Medium
Reflex = Medium
Will = High

Exotic Weapons

Skill Points: 4+int modifier

Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Intimidate, Lore, Spellcraft, Spot & Taunt.

Level Features gained:
1: Gain Feat: Weapon Proficiency (Exotic), Gain Spell Like Ability: Darkness
2: Leech Essence I, Quicken Spell
3: Master Leecher
4: Leech Essence II, Improved Quicken Spell
5: Tentacles of the Myrkr
6: Leech Essence III, Automatic Quicken Spell I
7: Suppress Essence
8: Leech Essence IV, Automatic Quicken Spell II
9: Gain Feat: Epic Will
10: Leech Essence V, Obliterate Essence, Wield the Myrkr, Automatic Quicken Spell III

Leech Essence:
The Myrkr Wielder draws upon the power of the Myrkr and imbues his melee weapon with it. On successful melee hits, the Myrkr Wielder leeches the life essence of his target and forcefully absorbs it, thereby adding the life essence to his own.

Level I:
Vampiric Regeneration I
1d4 Negative Damage

Level II:
Vampiric Regeneration II
1d6 Negative Damage

Level III:
Vampiric Regeneration III
1d8 Negative Damage

Level IV:
Vampiric Regeneration IV
1d10 Negative Damage

Level V:
Vampiric Regeneration V
1d12 Negative Damage

Master Leecher:
On the 3rd level, the Myrkr Wielder becomes even better at leeching the life force of his enemies. When casting the spell Vampiric Touch, the spell gets another 5d6 to its roll.

Tentacles of the Myrkr:
On the 5th level, the Myrkr Wielder reaches into the Myrkr to empower Evard's Black Tentacles. The spell gets an additional 1d4 + ½ of Intelligence or Charisma modifier, depending on which one of them is the highest, as negative damage, as well as +2 to the number of tentacles spawned.

Suppress Essence:
On the 7th level, the Myrkr Wielder is able to suppress the essence of another living creature. When casting the spell Enervation, the spell gets a +2 to its level drain roll.

Obliterate Essence:
On the 10th level, the Myrkr Wielder is able to drain the life force of another living creature. When casting the spell Energy Drain, if the target creature is protected by either Death Ward or Shadow Shield, the spell will start out by dispelling them, before applying the 2d4 level drain. If the target is not protected by any of these two spells, the Energy Drain will deal 40-100 negative damage, depending on how many levels was drained.

2 Levels drained: 100 negative damage
3 Levels drained: 90 negative damage
4 Levels drained: 80 negative damage
5 Levels drained: 70 negative damage
6 Levels drained: 60 negative damage
7 Levels drained: 50 negative damage
8 Levels drained: 40 negative damage

Wield the Myrkr: (Character gets the fx_animus effect on their character)
On the 10th level, when wielding the Myrkr, the Myrkr Wielder changes his form and becomes one with the Myrkr. He gains 50% Concealment and +8 dodge AC. This ability can be toggled on and off at will. While wielding the Myrkr, other players cannot recognize the identity of your character. To determine your identity, they must see you transition between wielding and not wielding the Myrkr. Wielding the Myrkr counts as a valid reason for characters of any alignment to immediately engage the Myrkr Wielder in PvP.


Neverwinter Gangster

The Neverwinter Gangster grew up in the hood and has all the street smarts required to thrive in the city. He always finds a way to make an extra coin, and is never afraid to do a bit of business, lots of vendors are in serious need of protection after all (If not from other Gangs, then from you). It is not easy to survive long enough to rise to the top and become Godfather, so we just want to say: Break a Leg!

Alignment: Cannot be Lawful Good.

Hit die : d8

Base attack bonus progression : High

Saving Throws :
Fortitude= High
Reflex = Medium
Will = Low

Proficiencies :
Weapons: Simple
Armor: Light (No Shields)

Skill Points : 6+int modifier x4 at lvl 1

Class Skills : Appraise, Bluff, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft trap, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Open Lock, Parry, Pickpocket, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Taunt, Tumble.

Level Features Gained
2 Gain Feat: Blooded, Thug.
3 Sneak Attack 1d6
4 Gain Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike
5 Gain Feat: Improved Flanking, Street Fighter I
6 Sneak Attack 1d6, Debt Collector
7 Gain Feat: Uncanny Dodge
8 Gain Feat: Weapon Focus Unarmed, Club & Dagger
9 Sneak Attack 1d6
10 Gain Feat: An offer you can refuse, Street Fighter II
11 Gain Feat: Weapon Specialization: Unarmed, Club & Dagger
12 Sneak Attack 1d6, Gain Feat: Feint
13 Gain Feat: Improved Initiative
14 Gain Feat: Improved Uncanny Dodge
15 Sneak Attack 1d6, Street Fighter III
16 Gain Feat: Greater Weapon Focus Unarmed, Club & Dagger
17 Gain Feat: Fearless, Break a Leg
18 Sneak Attack 1d6
19 Gain Feat: Greater Weapon Specialization: Unarmed, Club & Dagger
20 Knockdown, Street Fighter IV
21 Sneak Attack 1d6
22 Gain Feat: Scarface
23 Gain Feat: It’s not personal, it's strictly business.
24 Sneak Attack 1d6
25 Gain feat: An offer you can’t refuse, Street Fighter V
26 Gain Feat: Epic Weapon Focus Unarmed, Club & Dagger
27 Sneak Attack 1d6
28 Gain Feat: Epic Weapon Specialization: Unarmed, Club & Dagger
29 Gain Feat: Sleep with the Fishes
30 Sneak Attack 1d6, Gain Feat: Potential Godfather, Street Fighter VI

Street Fighter:
While being unarmed or when wielding a dagger or a club the Gangster becomes a real threat. He gains +1 to Dodge AC, Attack bonus as well as physical damage for each level of Street Fighter up to a total of +6. This bonus is lost if the Gangster is wearing Medium or Heavy Armor or a Shield.

Debt Collector:
The Gangster becomes particularly adept at collecting debts in the neighborhood. He gets the Fast Movement feat as well as the Negotiator Feat.

An offer you can refuse:
The Gangster can pick the skill focus feat in two of the following four skill focus feats: Skill Focus Bluff, Skill Focus Diplomacy, Skill Focus Intimidate or Skill Focus Sense Motive.

Break a Leg:
The Gangster gets the feat Crippling Strike. Furthermore he gets a feat called Break a Leg. As a full round action the Gangster can use this feat to “break the leg” of an opponent. If he hits his opponent in a Melee touch attack the target must make a fortitude save against a DC of 10 + 1/2 Gangster Level + Strength Modifier. A failed save stuns the target for 3 seconds and gives the target -50% movement speed and -4 Armor Class for a number of rounds equal to the Gangster’s strength modifier. This feat has a 1 minute cooldown.

When carrying with him “Spice”, the Gangster can take a good snort and will instantly get 5 temporary hit points pr. Gangster level, +6 Dodge ac, +25% Movement Speed, 1 extra attack pr. round as well as +10 damage reduction and immunity to Fear, Knockdown and other Hold effects just like Freedom of Movement. Furthermore, while the effect is active, the character will lose 4 points in Charisma, but should roleplay as if he gained 4 points instead for the next hour. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 10 minus your constitution modifier (Your body burns through the “spice” faster if you have a higher constitution). Once the effect is over, you lose 4 points in wisdom until you rest. Fair warning: There is a 10% chance that your character will become confused as he uses this feat. If he is immune to confusion, he will be paralyzed instead. This feat has no cooldown, but if you use it too often there is a chance that it will give other detrimental effects that might fuck up your character.

It’s not personal, it’s strictly business:
The Gangster has dedicated himself to running his operation so that it is strictly about business. He knows how to get the most value out of the local stores, good deals are also a way of paying protection money after all. He gains the feats Skill Focus Appraise, Epic Skill Focus Appraise & Improved Negotiation (like the Merchant).

An offer you can’t refuse:
The Gangster gets Epic Skill Focus in the two skill focuses he picked back when his offer could still be refused.

Sleep with the fishes:
The Gangster can use this ability to make a corpse “sleep with the fishes”. This feat can be used to “disappear” a player's corpse. If this is done after a PvP kill, it guarantees that the target loses 1 PvP life. It takes 10 rounds to complete the action. This feat can be used once pr. rest.

Potential Godfather:
The Gangster has grown in the eyes of his peers, and people can now imagine that he could one day rise to become a Godfather. In addition to gaining +2 Charisma, you are now also eligible to one day obtain the secret Godfather feat that will give him powerful RP bonuses.

Last edited by K.Kragh on Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:25 pm, edited 58 times in total.
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Re: New Classes

Post by K.Kragh »

A preview of the new mage prestige class that will be added next week. Where the Frost Master is a cold and rather humourless, the Flame Lord makes up for it with plenty of sarcasm!

Flame Lord:

The Flame Lord has dedicated his expertise towards mastering as well as improving the potent firespells. He is often misunderstood and feared by commoners that think him a dangerous chaotic troublemaker. This is obviously best explained by referencing the amount of shallow minded simpletons wandering this realm. Sure, a village or two might have been accidentally burned down by flames that cannot be extinguished - but in the grand scheme of things, what is a couple less villages?

Must be able to cast level 5 Arcane Spells
Spell Focus Evocation
Spell Focus Conjuration
Greater Spell Focus Evocation
Greater Spell Focus Conjuration
Have not taken any levels in the Frost Master Class.

Hit die : d4

Base attack bonus progression: Low

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= Low
Reflex = High
Will = High

Proficiencies :

Skill Points: 2+int modifier

Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Lore, Spellcraft.

Level Features gained:
1 Gain Feat: Energy Resistance Fire
2 Gain Feat: Firebolt or Fireblast?
3 Gain Feat: Fireblades!
4 Gain Feat: Frost Orbs? So easy to melt!
5 Gain Feat: Epic Energy Resistance Fire I
6 Gain Feat: Baby it's cold outside, but if you stay I will keep you warm
7 Gain Feat: You Shall Not Pass!
8 Gain Feat: Flame Sniping
9 Gain Feat: Personal Space
10 Gain Feat: Epic Energy Resistance Fire II, Surely the planet cannot actually be destroyed by Meteors?

Firebolt or Fireblast?
Your Firebolt now gives off a real blast. Its damage is increased to 5d4+5

The Flame Lords Blades of Fire spell is greatly improved. The power of the fire is so potent that it gives an extra 1d8 fire damage for a total of 2d8.

Frost Orbs? So easy to melt!
The arcane Orb spells are essential for any mage needing to punch through enemies defended by spell resistance. The Flame Lord has mastered the use of Orbs of Fire and made them especially deadly. The Lesser Orb of Fire now does an additional 2d8 damage, while the damage of the Orb of Fire is increased by 5d6.

Baby it's cold outside, but if you stay I will keep you warm
No one touched by the Flame Lord will ever freeze again. Any enemy that fails their reflex save when hit by the Fireball, Fireburst or Greater Fireburst spell will also be set on fire and take an extra 1d6 damage +1 for every 4 caster levels pr. round until their reflex saving throw is successful. His Combust spell gets +1 damage for every 3 caster levels pr. round. Shroud of Flame is further improved and now gives 5d6 damage both initially and during subsequent rounds if the target creature fails its reflex saves. The damage to those close to the unfortunate victim of this spell now receives 3d6 damage.

You Shall Not Pass!
The Flame Lords Wall of Fire becomes the envy of even the most powerful fire demons. In addition to increasing the initial damage to 6d6 the max caster level cap is increased to 35.

Flame Sniping
Practicing your sniping skills with fire arrows is not only fun, it is also practical. The trick to scoring a critical hit is to do a headshot, and if that does not work, they can always take an arrow in the knee… The Flame Lord’s Flame Arrow now gives 5d6+4 in damage. His Firebrand can now give a maximum of 25d6 in damage.

Personal Space
So many people are challenged when it comes to respecting personal space. Luckily this is a problem fixed by a bit of improved zone control. The Flame Lord’s Delayed Blast Fireball now slows anyone that fails his reflex save for 2 rounds . His Incendiary Cloud now deals 10d6 damage pr. round and also slows any creature caught inside its area of effect regardless of whether or not they make their reflex save.

Surely the planet cannot actually be destroyed just because I attract a few giant Meteors?
If you haven’t migrated to the dwarven cities deep in the mountains maybe now is the time. The Flame Lords Meteor Swarms are absolutely lethal:
Aerial Attack now: 35d6, 20d6 and 15d6. Also knocks down targets unless they succeed a Reflex save dc 15.
Single target: 50d6. Also knocks down the target unless he succeeds a Reflex save dc 20.
Centered on Caster: 20d6. Also knocks down targets unless they succeed a Reflex save dc 15.
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Re: New Classes

Post by K.Kragh »

Priest class has been added


Contrary to the more versatile cleric the priest focuses entirely on the spiritual aspect of the faith. Because of this focus his ability to do physical combat is greatly reduced while his spellcasting abilities are enhanced. The priest is expected to promote and spread his god’s faith and make sure that his word is heard and remembered, so only charismatic people are eligible to become this class. Because of their lack of ability in a fight, the priest is expected to stay behind the frontline in combat and heal the soldiers.

Charisma 13
This class cannot be multiclassed with the Cleric class.

Hit die : d6

Base attack bonus progression: Low

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= High
Reflex = Low
Will = High

Proficiencies :
Weapons: Wizard
Armor: Light

Skill Points: 4+int modifier

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Diplomacy, Heal, Lore, Sense Motive, Spellcraft.

This class gets domains and Turn Undead like the Cleric.

Level Features gained:
1 Gain Feat: Skill Focus Concentration
3 Gain Feat: Combat Casting
5 Gain Feat: Healer
6 Gain Feat: Spell Focus Evocation
8 Gain Feat: Extend Spell
9 Gain Feat: Skill Focus Heal
10 Gain Feat: Combat Healer
12 Gain Feat: Empower Spell
14 Gain Feat: Greater Spell Focus Evocation.
16 Gain Feat: Combat Priest
18 Gain Feat: Maximize Spell
20 Gain Feat: Greater Combat Healer
22 Gain Feat: Epic Skill Focus Concentration
24 Gain Feat: Experienced Combat Priest
26 Gain Feat: Legendary Combat Healer
28 Gain Feat: Epic Skill Focus Heal
30 Gain Feat: Epic Combat Healer

The priest gains Cure Moderate Wounds and Inflict Moderate Wounds as a feat with a 12 second cooldown.

Combat Healer:
The priest gains Cure Critical Wounds and Inflict Critical Wounds as a feat with a 18 second cooldown.

Combat Priest:
As a combat priest you are expected to support the soldiers real time during battles. You get the ability to use Raise Dead as a feat with a 3 minute cooldown.

Greater Combat Healer:
The priest gains Mass Cure Critical Wounds and Mass Inflict Critical Wounds as a feat with a 24 second cooldown.

Experienced Combat Priest:
As an experienced combat priest you are expected to support the soldiers real time during battles. You will now be able to use Resurrection instead of Raise Dead as a feat with a 3 minute cooldown.

Legendary Combat Healer:
The priest gains Heal and Harm as a feat with a 30 second cooldown.

Epic Combat Healer:
The priest gains Mass Heal as a feat with a 60 second cooldown.
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Re: New Classes

Post by K.Kragh »

Quite a few classes has been updated, so feel free to check them out again
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Re: New Classes

Post by K.Kragh »

Added the Neverwinter Gangster and the Transmutation Expert that will soon be added to the server so that people can read up on them and plan for them in their builds.

Neverwinter Gangster

The Neverwinter Gangster grew up in the hood and has all the street smarts required to thrive in the city. He always finds a way to make an extra coin, and is never afraid to do a bit of business, lots of vendors are in serious need of protection after all (If not from other Gangs, then from you). It is not easy to survive long enough to rise to the top and become Godfather, so we just want to say: Break a Leg!

Alignment: Cannot be Lawful Good.

Hit die : d8

Base attack bonus progression : High

Saving Throws :
Fortitude= High
Reflex = Medium
Will = Low

Proficiencies :
Weapons: Simple
Armor: Light (No Shields)

Skill Points : 6+int modifier x4 at lvl 1

Class Skills : Appraise, Bluff, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Open Lock, Parry, Pickpocket, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Taunt, Tumble.

Level Features Gained
1 Gain Feat: Thug.
2 Gain Feat: Blooded
3 Sneak Attack 1d6
4 Gain Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike
5 Gain Feat: Improved Flanking, Street Fighter I
6 Sneak Attack 1d6, Debt Collector
7 Gain Feat: Uncanny Dodge
8 Gain Feat: Weapon Focus Unarmed, Club & Dagger
9 Sneak Attack 1d6
10 Gain Feat: An offer you can refuse, Street Fighter II
11 Gain Feat: Weapon Specialization: Unarmed, Club & Dagger
12 Sneak Attack 1d6, Gain Feat: Feint
13 Gain Feat: Improved Initiative
14 Gain Feat: Improved Uncanny Dodge
15 Sneak Attack 1d6, Street Fighter III
16 Gain Feat: Greater Weapon Focus Unarmed, Club & Dagger
17 Gain Feat: Fearless, Break a Leg
18 Sneak Attack 1d6
19 Gain Feat: Greater Weapon Specialization: Unarmed, Club & Dagger
20 Knockdown, Street Fighter IV
21 Sneak Attack 1d6
22 Gain Feat: Scarface
23 Gain Feat: It’s not personal, it's strictly business.
24 Sneak Attack 1d6
25 Gain feat: An offer you can’t refuse, Street Fighter V
26 Gain Feat: Epic Weapon Focus Unarmed, Club & Dagger
27 Sneak Attack 1d6
28 Gain Feat: Epic Weapon Specialization: Unarmed, Club & Dagger
29 Gain Feat: Sleep with the Fishes
30 Sneak Attack 1d6, Gain Feat: Potential Godfather, Street Fighter VI

Street Fighter:
While being unarmed or when wielding a dagger or a club the Gangster becomes a real threat. He gains +1 to Dodge AC, Attack bonus as well as physical damage for each level of Street Fighter up to a total of +6. This bonus is lost if the Gangster is wearing Medium or Heavy Armor or a Shield.

Debt Collector:
The Gangster becomes particularly adept at collecting debts in the neighborhood. He gets the Fast Movement feat as well as the Negotiator Feat.

An offer you can refuse:
The Gangster can pick the skill focus feat in two of the following four skill focus feats: Skill Focus Bluff, Skill Focus Diplomacy, Skill Focus Intimidate or Skill Focus Sense Motive.

Break a Leg:
The Gangster gets the feat Crippling Strike. Furthermore he gets a feat called Break a Leg. As a full round action the Gangster can use this feat to “break the leg” of an opponent. If he hits his opponent in a Melee touch attack the target must make a fortitude save against a DC of 10 + 1/2 Gangster Level + Strength Modifier. A failed save stuns the target for 3 seconds and gives the target -50% movement speed and -4 Armor Class for a number of rounds equal to the Gangster’s strength modifier. This feat has a 1 minute cooldown.

When carrying with him “Spice”, the Gangster can take a good snort and will instantly get 5 temporary hit points pr. Gangster level, +6 Dodge ac, +25% Movement Speed, 1 extra attack pr. round as well as +10 damage reduction and immunity to Fear, Knockdown and other Hold effects just like Freedom of Movement. Furthermore, while the effect is active, the character will lose 4 points in Charisma, but should roleplay as if he gained 4 points instead for the next hour. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 10 minus your constitution modifier (Your body burns through the “spice” faster if you have a higher constitution). Once the effect is over, you lose 4 points in wisdom until you rest. Fair warning: There is a 10% chance that your character will become confused as he uses this feat. This feat has no cooldown, but if you use it too often there is a chance that it will give other detrimental effects that might fuck up your character.

It’s not personal, it’s strictly business:
The Gangster has dedicated himself to running his operation so that it is strictly about business. He knows how to get the most value out of the local stores, good deals are also a way of paying protection money after all. He gains the feats Skill Focus Appraise, Epic Skill Focus Appraise & Improved Negotiation (like the Merchant).

An offer you can’t refuse:
The Gangster gets Epic Skill Focus in the two skill focuses he picked back when his offer could still be refused.

Sleep with the fishes:
The Gangster can use this ability to make a corpse “sleep with the fishes”. This feat can be used to “disappear” a player's corpse. If this is done after a PvP kill, it guarantees that the target loses 1 PvP life. It takes 10 rounds to complete the action. This feat can be used once pr. rest.

Potential Godfather:
The Gangster has grown in the eyes of his peers, and people can now imagine that he could one day rise to become a Godfather. In addition to gaining +2 Charisma, you are now also eligible to one day obtain the secret Godfather feat that will give him powerful RP bonuses.


Transmutation Expert:

The Transmutation Expert focuses his attention on mastering the art of transmutation. Hard work allows him to press the boundaries for how powerful you can alter other beings. The transformer will allow you to cast prime buffs in an optimus environment for your allies. While illusionists would focus on their abilities as decepticons, this class will allow you to be a hero in your own life.

Must be able to cast level 3 Arcane or Divine Spells
Spell Focus Transmutation
Cannot be a Flame Lord or a Frost Master.

This class has 10/10 caster levels.

Hit die : d4

Base attack bonus progression: Low

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= Low
Reflex = Low
Will = High

Proficiencies :

Skill Points: 2+int modifier

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Heal, Lore, Spellcraft.

Level Features gained:
1 Gain Feat: Great Fortitude, Entangled
2 Gain Feat: Oxygen is overrated
3 Gain Feat: Nature Calls, But did you die?
4 Gain Feat: Prime Protection
5 Gain Feat: Bodily Transformation, A True Predacon
6 Gain Feat: Total Transformation
7 Gain Feat: Power of the Matrix
8 Gain Feat: Greater Spell Focus Transmutation
9 Gain Feat: To create Art, have it Crumble or Disintegrated?
10 Gain Feat: Epic Spell Focus Transmutation, Gain Feat: Optimus Storm Avatar

Entangled: The Entangle spell now gets a +5 to its DC and lasts 1 round pr. level.

Bodily Transformation: The Transmutation becomes an expert at transforming the body of its targets. The single target zoo spells now gives 1d6+1 and Owl’s Insight is increased to 1d10+1.

Nature Calls: Animalistic power now gives +4 instead of +2 and lasts 1 hour pr. level. Barskin and Spiderskin is now maxed out at +6 Armor Class.

But did you die?: Bestow Curse now lowers the target creature’s ability scores by 6. The save dc is now at +5.

Prime Protection: Magic Vestment now maxes out at + 6.

A True Predacon: Greater Magic Weapon is now maxed out at +6 instead of +5. It now lasts 1 hour pr. level.

Total Transformation: Tortoise Shield now maxes out at +7 AC. Its damage reduction is increased to 15. Tenser’s Transformation has been Optimused. It now gives +8 to Natural AC, 1d10 Hit Points per caster level and Strength Dexterity and Constitution is set to 24 in addition to the increased duration of 1 minute per caster level.

Power of the Matrix: Your transformer becomes able to cast incredibly powerful mass buffs. Mass Zoo spells now give 1d6+1 and last for 1 hour per caster level. Aura of Vitality now lasts 60 seconds per caster level.

Oxygen is overrated: Drown and Mass Drown can now drown a target properly. There is no limit on how much damage they can inflict upon the target. (Maximum 1000 to bosses though).

To create Art, have it Crumble or Disintegrated?: Flesh to Stone and Disintegrate now gets +5 to the DC of the spell. Crumble gets an extra d10 pr. caster level.

Optimus Storm Avatar: Storm Avatar now lasts for 1 round pr. caster level.
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Re: New Classes

Post by K.Kragh »

Class under development: Spirit Shaman
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Re: New Classes

Post by K.Kragh »

Myrkr Wielder has been updated.
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Re: New Classes

Post by K.Kragh »

Transmutation Expert:

The Transmutation Expert focuses his attention on mastering the art of transmutation. Hard work allows him to press the boundaries for how powerful you can alter other beings. The transformer will allow you to cast prime buffs in an optimus environment for your allies. While illusionists would focus on their abilities as decepticons, this class will allow you to be a hero in your own life.

Must be able to cast level 3 Arcane or Divine Spells
Spell Focus Transmutation
Cannot be a Flame Lord or a Frost Master.

This class has 10/10 caster levels.

Hit die : d6

Base attack bonus progression: Medium

Saving Throws:
Fortitude= Low
Reflex = Low
Will = High

Proficiencies :

Skill Points: 2+int modifier

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Heal, Lore, Spellcraft.

Level Features gained:
1 Gain Feat: Great Fortitude, Entangled
2 Gain Feat: Bodily Transformation
3 Gain Feat: Nature Calls, But did you die?
4 Gain Feat: Prime Protection
5 Gain Feat: Greater Spell Focus Transmutation, A True Predacon
6 Gain Feat: Total Transformation
7 Gain Feat: Power of the Matrix
8 Gain Feat: Oxygen is overrated
9 Gain Feat: To create Art, have it Crumble or Disintegrated?
10 Gain Feat: Epic Spell Focus Transmutation, Gain Feat: Optimus Storm Avatar

Entangled: The Entangle spell now gets a +5 to its DC and lasts 1 round pr. level.

Bodily Transformation: The Transmutation becomes an expert at transforming the body of its targets. The single target zoo spells now gives 1d6+1 and Owl’s Insight is increased to 1d10+1.

Nature Calls: Animalistic power now gives +4 instead of +2 and lasts 1 hour pr. level. Barskin and Spiderskin is now maxed out at +6 Armor Class.

But did you die?: Bestow Curse now lowers the target creature’s ability scores by 6. The save dc is now at +5.

Prime Protection: Magic Vestment now maxes out at + 6.

A True Predacon: Greater Magic Weapon is now maxed out at +6 instead of +5. It now lasts 1 hour pr. level.

Total Transformation: Tortoise Shield now maxes out at +7 AC. Its damage reduction is increased to 15. Tenser’s Transformation has been Optimused. It now gives +8 to Natural AC, 1d10 Hit Points per caster level and Strength Dexterity and Constitution is set to 24 in addition to the increased duration of 1 minute per caster level.

Power of the Matrix: Your transformer becomes able to cast incredibly powerful mass buffs. Mass Zoo spells now give 1d6+1 and last for 1 hour per caster level. Aura of Vitality now lasts 60 seconds per caster level.

Oxygen is overrated: Drown and Mass Drown can now drown a target properly. There is no limit on how much damage they can inflict upon the target. (Maximum 1000 to bosses though).

To create Art, have it Crumble or Disintegrated?: Flesh to Stone and Disintegrate now gets +3 to the DC of the spell. Crumble gets an extra d10 pr. caster level.

Optimus Storm Avatar: Storm Avatar now lasts for 1 round pr. caster level.
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