Suggestion: Use ciphers for the DMFI Language tool

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Suggestion: Use ciphers for the DMFI Language tool

Post by RoseFrost »

Currently when you speak in another language, a simple emote is dumped into the chat, which appears slightly differently depending on chat settings:

My suggestion is to return to the traditional system of using a different substitution cipher for each of the languages in question. I will start with the single drawback before listing the advantages.

  • A substitution cipher is obviously a poor substitute for a real language, and lacks any change in grammar or words. It doesn't incorporate known words that have been established in FR lore.
  • The cipher system allows for players to incorporate emotes while speaking in other languages, and people who don't speak that language can still see and read the emotes.
  • The cipher system gives even those who don't understand the language being spoken some sense for how much is being said. A one word answer is obviously different from several sentences.
  • The cipher system allows characters to recognize which language is being spoken, even if they don't speak that language, as many people can do in the real world.
  • Mobs, such as the goblins just outside the city, can be made to speak in their language, with characters who know it understanding them.
(There doesn't seem to be an obvious place on this forum to make suggestions, so I've made it here. Please move this thread if it's the wrong place.)
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Re: Suggestion: Use ciphers for the DMFI Language tool

Post by Shrewdcrow »

I think it's a good idea, it's cool to be left totally ignorant but there is a lot missing with just the simple message we get now.
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Re: Suggestion: Use ciphers for the DMFI Language tool

Post by K.Kragh »

We will return at some point. For some reason the script was not working, so this was a way of making a quick fix so that people could use languages
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